I Will Always Be There 【Kid x Maka SoulEater Fan Fiction】

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My very first fan fiction. Eh. I don't care if you like it or not. Or if you even decide to read this. If you are then Thank You!


In the night, the laughing moon illuminates the sky. Under the ground of Death City, is a battle. It was Maka with Soul by her side and Kid with Liz and Patty in their weapon form against Medusa. The loud clanging noise is heard throughout the room. As Maka aims for Medusa, She gets bitten by one of Medusa's snakes and black blood gets injected into her. "Maka-chan!" Kid screams with fear. Maka holds her right arm and shrieks in pain. Right when Kid was about to come to her aid, Medusa laughed loudly and escaped. Maka's head filled with madness and felt her sanity leaving her. Her head started to blank out. The black blood was picking at her soul. She was trapped inside of her own mind and head. Her body became limp as she slowly passes out. She fell to the floor hard. Kid ran to her and dropped to his knees. He holds her to his chest. Soul ran over to them and screamed at Maka. "Baka! Wake up!". He fell down next to the both of them. Liz and Patty held on to each other crying. They knew that this time Maka's madness would now consume her for sure this time. Kid carried her back to DWMA. Soul, Liz, and Patty went to Lord Death to speak to him about the situation. Kid brought Maka to the infirmary and laid her down on one of the beds. He sat on a chair next to her. He insisted that Soul should go home and that Maka would be cared for. They went home and everything became silent. Kid laid his head next to Maka's side and took her hand in his. His eyes swelled up with tears on the verge of falling. He got up and kissed her forehead gently before laying his head back down and falling asleep. The next morning Maka slowly regained conscious and opened her eyelids. She felt sick an started coughing a lot. Kid woke up after he heard the noises coming from the body next to him. He started freaking out. "Maka! are you okay?! Do you need some water or anything?" he started to ask Maka questions frantically. She smiled a little and reassured Kid that she was feeling a bit better. Lord Death allowed Kid to skip his classes and tend Maka for the whole day. Maka held on to her head. "The headache is back." She said to herself sighing. The nurse came to her aid and tie bandages around Maka's arm and head. Kid came back and brought sweets and flowers for her. Maka smiled and gave him a hug. He squeezed her hard. Kid let go of her and sat down taking a cake out of his bag and handing it to Maka with a small fork as well. She looked at the cake for a while. It was symmetrical and there were little strawberries. He remembered that strawberries were her favorite. She smiled at the thought but then frowned. Kid looked at her with concern. Maka's tears fell onto the infirmary's blankets. "He will never be able to ever do this for me ever again. I've gone mad. The insanity will end up killing my soul." She thought to herself. Kid got up, sat on the bed pilling her onto his lap. This interrupted Maka's thoughts as she tried to process what just happened. She had feelings for him but she never thought he would ever like her back. She thought the hand holding and cheek kisses were only friendly thins made by him. Everytime he did something like that or winked at her, she would blush and get butterflies in her stomach. Kid looked at her and whispered in her ear. "I promise you. I will never leave you. I will never leave your side. We will get through this together." Came from his lips.

Days later...

Kid cared for Maka through her phase of madness. He put in his heart and soul to keep her strong. All this love he gave her destroyed the black blood's powers. Then suddenly on the 8th day of her being in the infirmary, she miraculously became well and sane again. Kid took her hand and took her outside. She inhaled the fresh air and closed her eyes. The locked eyes on each other. Kid took both of her hands in his and said the words that took the breath out of her mouth. "Will you please be my girlfriend Maka-chan?".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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