u-n-t-i-t-l-e-d 2

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Dan's POV.

I have school today. 

It's one of the five of - what i like to call - nightmare days of the week. 

Those are my first thoughts as I wake up. I sit up straight in bed, then proceed to get up. I get prepared silently: it's one of the only moments I can get silence in this house. I pull on some black jeans and a black hoodie, then go downstairs.

I eat my breakfast quickly and silently. I'm the only one awake. My dad, the whore and my brother are all asleep upstairs, so I walk out of the house, headphones in hand, to school.

I walk along, listening to Car Radio and just thinking. I'm so, so depressed lately that I can barely function. It's terrible.  I just don't speak anymore. I think about this as I walk along and hate myself. Why can't I just die, for god's sake?!

// timeskip to school //

I arrive at school. There's a new student, apparently. He comes to the front of the class, and says his name's Phil Lester. He seems like me, I think - black clothes and very pale, very introverted. He gets put next to me. I immediately hear jeers from the rest of the class and bury my head into my arms. 

"y-you ok?" he asks.

"yeah, i just dont listen to the lessons or them. just ignore me, dont let your grades fall because of me," i say, giving a small smile and turning my head back into my arms.

Phils' POV.

"yeah, i just dont listen to the lessons or them. just ignore me, dont let your grades fall because of me," the boy says. I feel bad for him.  After, he smiles.

Oh my god, that smile is everything.

It's everything. The dimple that appears is lovely, the white teath are clean and it makes my hear flutter. Why? I wonder.

But that smile looks so fake. 

And I'm determined to make that fake smile real.

Because he

is like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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