The Immortals: Victoria Princess of the Icey Mountains

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"I'm so excited! Ahhhhh! Yeah Yeah Yeah!" Hello my name is Victoria Crystal Rabbit. And I'm just a little girl that is a princess and ready for a life of adventure. I live on the Icy Mountains and near the ocean, where my kingdom is placed. My kingdom is based on water and ice, the source of my powers. My village is called Iceland. And my destiny is to head outside of my home and find the rest of the Immortals. Yeah......that's me. And I'm so excited!

   "Ahh!" I run around gathering all of supplies for the trip. "Victoria calm down, do you have to run around the room? Look I know your happy and excited but this is dangerous. Are you sure about this?" My guardian that's a dog, Snow asked while she tries not to step on my clothes. "Girl I'm ready. I can't wait to skate out of here and find them. Not only we'll defend the universe but we can be best friends." I say closing my backpack. "Hold up?!" I say stopping myself from opening the door. "What is it?" Snow asked climbing into my backpack.
"I don't know where to start," I say picking it up. "Are you serious?! You were so hyped up that you don't even think about who you're going to get first?!" Snow said turning to  me. "Hey if you were me you'd be excited too....right?" I asked rather curious. "Not even close, Victoria. I'd be serious and think about how really important the Immortals are."

Snow said opening the doors that were made out of ice. " HEY I know I'm outgoing when it comes to trips but I know how very important this is, Snow," I say.
"This is a mission Vic, not a trip," she said look at me from the side of her face. "WHATEVER IT'S THE SAME DARN THING! HARUMPH! Well guardian where do you think I should start?" I say looking down at her. " Sigh, not my decision for me to choose where we should go first, it's yours Victoria. My job is to help you when you need it, and to keep you safe from harm.

Awe, well I guess she has a point when she said it's my choice about where I want to do and go. Like she said before, 'she follows me not me follows her'. But what could I do without her. So maybe we could go get Elizabeth. I mean she is the only one near me. "Have you chosen who you want to get to first?" Snow asked me. "Yeah, we should go and get Lizzie." 

"Alright, let's get going," Snow said running out on the snow. "Yeah, let's get it!" I say. I used my ice skates and started to head on to where Elizabeth was. Of course I said goodbye to my home and went out to find her. I knew exactly where she was so I didn't need a map a so....yeah. But it was far but I can take it. I used the ice part of my powers and spread it out on the snow in front of me. I jumped on and started to skate to the direction I wanted to go.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" Owlette said flying over the group of two girls and one dragon. "Yes don't worry, we'll be there soon enough" Rahnae said irritated. We have been walking for 3 days. And during those days there were some scary obstacles along the way. "Summer are you ok?" Rahnae asked me, feeling concerned. "I'm fine really," I said walking with my head up, watching Owlette fly above us.
(Is Rahnae sure that she knows where we're going? It's been 3 days and were not as close to our destination,) I thought to myself. (You know I can hear your thoughts right?) I stopped walking feeling too surprised to hear Rahnae's  voice inside my head. I saw her turn her head halfway to look at me but all the way. I guess I didn't know that if you were a member of the group, then you can hear or read their thoughts, or even talk to each other through thought....if you wanted to. (I'm sorry, i just didn't know we could do that and-) my thoughts were interrupted by Rahnae's thoughts. ( Yeah sure, but learn how to really keep your thoughts to yourself.) She thought to me with a side look.

I felt terrible and embarrassed. I really hope I didn't hurt her feelings when I thought of it. But it's not like I knew that we could hear each other's thoughts. But still....I feel so bad for saying those things.

Next thing I knew, I bumped into Rehnae's back falling backwards. But she caught me just in time. "We'll sleep here for tonight. We'll be there by lunch time tomorrow." Rahnae said as she raised her other hand. Using her magic to form two rocks come from out of the ground. She let's go of me, making fall down on top of one of the rocks. They were quite comfortable.
"I'm going to get some wood for the fire. Could you set up a spot for it as I get some?" Rahnae said facing down in my direction. "Yes of course," I say standing up again. Rahnae looks towards her guardian, Dragoona, telling her that she's on the look out for any danger.
"I'll be right back," Rahnae says walking away. I was done making a nice spot to put the fire and sat down. Few moments later, I heard rustling coming from the bushes not to far from me. Dragoona started to growl looking at the bushes. "Dragoona please be careful," she say with my weapon in hand if I needed it.
"Please, it's probably a small squirrel. Besides I'm a bit hung-" Dragoona was cut off by the figure that caused the bushes to shake jumped out. And land on top of Dragoona.
"Who you calling a squirrel, you over grown lizard?!" A rabbit yells at her. Out of the bushes also came a young dog. "Victoria, I told you not to engage!" Wait a minute...I know that name. Could she be one of us? "What!?" Dragoona says confused and mad at the same time. "Snow, do I look like I care? This one here called me a squirrel. And I am not a squirrel!" Victoria says.
"Hold on, everyone calm down. Victoria, are you one of the Immortals?" I ask careful. "Yes, that I am why?" She asks looking at me. "Because me and the dragon's owner are Immortals too," I say. Victoria gaspes out of joy, "Really?!"
I smile at her as she jumps off Dragoona and speed walks towards me. "Ahh you must be Victoria, the princess of the Icey Mountains?" We were all surprised to hear a new voice join the conversation. It was Rahnae, carrying a bunch of thick even cut logs for the fire.   "Oh.....are you uhh.....*gulps* one of the devils in this group?" Victoria asked a little scared. "Clearly, the names Rahnae and this is Dragoona. And don't be frightened we don't bite...." Rahnae says as Victoria calms down in relief. "...much." She says finishing her sentence as Victoria looks at them. "......Anyways uhh this is my guardian, Snow. Say hi Snow." She answers with a sweet hello as she sits down. "This is my guardian, Owlette," I say as Owlette lands on my arm. "Good evening," Owlette said with a smile on her beak.
"It's nice to meet you guys. I'm sorry if we scared you and attacked Dragoona, I thought you were uhh moutain lions." Victoria apologizes feeling bad and embarrassed. "No don't be, for now why don't you join us?" I say as Rahnae forms another rock from out of the ground. "Yeah," Victoria says as she goes to sit down. Dragoona breathes fire onto the spot I made along with the logs. And started Rio fall asleep.
(I can't wait to meet Elizabeth. I assume she's as happy and adorable as Victoria.) I thought to myself. (Summer you really need to learn how to keep your thoughts to yourself) Rahnae said in my head. (.....Oh my god, we're able to hear each other's thoughts?!) Victoria says surprised. I giggled and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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