Chapter 16

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Alisha POV

I make my way through the local supermarket isles, looking down at my shopping list every so often to check what I need. I place a carton of eggs in my basket and I grab a handful of unhealthy snacks to nibble on with Cody during a movie, I wait aside as the cashier scans through my items "54.70 mam" the elderly lady finally speaks, I nod and open up my purse and hand her a 50 and a 5 dollar note "keep the change" I smile and grab my bags and make my way to my car.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I sigh as my hands are full, I shift the bags from hand to hand as I reach into my pocket to find my keys "let me help" a rather deep voice speaks, I turn around to face whoever is speaking, a tall boy with brown hair, fringe swept to the side, green eyes and tanned body smiles at me and takes my grocery bags out of my arms and holds them with ease "oh uh thankyou" I shyly laugh and take out my keys and open up the boot of my car. The boy places the bags carefully in the boot and shuts it when he's done "thankyou for that" I smile "no worries, can't leave a girl who's struggling" he chuckles and leans his arms on the back of the car, "I'm Alisha" I stick out my hand, the boy takes my hand and shakes it "Peter" he smiles "it was nice meeting you, but uh.. I gotta run before the ice cream melts" I giggle "sure thing, I'll see you round pretty" he smiles and shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away "bye" I smile and watch Peter disappear around the corner before I finally climb into my drivers seat and grab out my phone

(1 New Message: you're so clueless, but don't worry, I'm here to protect you now -B)

I frown at my phone, this sick joke has gone to far, I think I'll change my number soon.


I arrive home and carry the grocery bags inside, I push harshly on the door and it opens to my luck since my hands are completely full "oh lisha hey" Cody smiles, "hey" I return a smile and place the bags on the bench to worry for later, I hear a muffled voice from a man in a uniform writing down on some sort of form "what's goin on?" I whisper and take a seat on the lounge "We're getting a security system installed" Cody shrugs and scoops cereal out of his bowl and stuffs it in his mouth. "Looks like we're all done here, if you like we can give you a brief tutorial on how to use it" the worker claps his hands together "sure thing" I reply and get up from my seat. The worker leads me to the kitchen first "you see here, this is a security alarm, there's one of these in every room, and 4 camera's installed outside, they run 24/7 and monitor any movement and unwanted break ins and for when you're out or going to bed just press this button and when you return or wake up just punch in your code, which is infact **** you get a 2 minute countdown before the alarm sets off but if the alarm is triggered we will send a policeman out to check out the problem even if it's a false alarm, so you should be pretty safe with this" the worker nods and hands me the code number for the system and makes his way out the door. I look down at the card with the code number and the business number on it and then look up at Cody "what do you want for tea?" I randomly ask Cody shrugs "that doesn't help, now get up here" I instruct. Cody groans and drags himself to the kitchen and snoops through the bags "ohh ice cream" he licks his lips "that's for dessert fatty" I slap his hand away, "do you wanna make shepards pie?" I grin and Cody nods "sounds good" and he begins to preheat the oven.

I turn on the security alarm and quickly jump into bed to watch some TV, I flick through boring channels, adverts, re-runs and decide to stop at the local news to see if there's an update on Luke being found. I watch through sports new and weather before the headline 'Escaped LA institution Patient' is flashed on the screen, I sit up slightly in my bed and focus my hearing on their words "still no sign of patient Luke Brooks who has been on the run since last Friday night, dog squad and police unit are on the hunt for the teenage killer, please be careful and lock all your doors at night as this man is to be believed as armed and still on the area. If you see this man please call crime stoppers right away, thankyou and goodnight" the reporters daunting words speak and the ending credits roll onto the screen, I groan and change the channel "that kid is fucking mental" I speak to myself. A small tap at my window is heard making my jump slightly, I sigh of relief when I think it's a tree branch scraping across the glass.

12:35am (1 New Message: Cody- goodnight lish :P woulda stopped by ya room but the alarm would have gone off lol xD) I laugh and place my phone back under my pillow "goodnight Cody!" I yell loudly so Cody can hear me through his closed door, I hear a muffled chuckle and I let out a small laugh myself before I snuggle up in my blankets and wait for myself to drift off to sleep.

Luke POV

I sit in the room I stay in at Jai's house watching a TV report about me making my inner self smirk, they'll never catch me, I'm two steps ahead of them. I know what they're going to do before they even do it. They're all so predictable. I chuckle to myself and gather my things in my backpack and sling it over my shoulder "I'm going out" I blankly say to my brother and walk out the door and set off down the street, it's easier to go out at night, everyone's at home and no one passes by. My breath dogs up as I walk slowly towards Alisha's house to check up on her, as I near her house I notice cameras lined around the outside of her house, I must have frightened her. Good.

I study out the cameras outside before jumping the fence at a blind spot and climbing the tree above the cameras and up to her window, the blinds are shut. I groan to myself and climb back downstairs and walk myself against the wall of the building out of sight of the cameras, I come to the front door and dig through my backpack "time to put this baby to use" a dark smirk creeps on my face as I unlock the door and push it open. I step over to the alarm system in her wall and focus on it with my eyes and it gives a quick beep of approval, I smirk once again and make my way through the house, it's very tidy, very Alisha. After snooping about downstairs I slowly walk upstairs, drooping my knife from my sleeve and into my hand, I open the door a creak and peek through and see her alarm clock digits glowing red in her black room '1:45'. I open the door alittle further and focus up on Alisha in her bed making sure she's asleep and I finally open the door fully and walk over to her side, her soft snores make me smile slightly, I grab her blankets and pull them over her body and tuck them into her sides gently, I kiss her temple and walk out of her room and make my way to another door and open it to reveal her older brother sleeping in his bed. I know it was his idea to get these cameras, it's always the male. Always the male that ruins everything. "You my friend, you're going to have to disappear soon, and I then.. I can look after Alisha, after all she needs a man in her life" I evilly smile as I stare down at Cody sleeping, my knife blade reflecting onto Cody's cheek. My eyes grow darker and I bless my knife against Cody's cheek slightly dragging it across, "maybe I should spare you, after all you could be my brother inlaw" I turn my head to the side as I talk to myself, I take the knife away from Cody's face and put it back up my sleeve and walk out the door quickly, I pass through the kitchen and quickly set the alarm and close the door and set off for home. I have some planning to do.

Pulse and Perish || Luke Brooks.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang