A frozen Man

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"Breaking news, folks. A frozen body of what looks like an Australopithecus Afarensis has been discovered in a field of ice in Siberia."

The CNN news reporter went on. " The archaeologists have also detected about ten more perfectly preserved bodies in the same field. They say this will be a great step forward in the study of anthropology. they are planning to- "

The TV went off with a crackling buzz.

"Shit," muttered Samuel Nicholas Katz, Harvard proffessor of anthropology and archaeology. "I have more work to do, along with those simply overwhelming paper about Neanderthals and whatnot." he pronounced  his ws like vs, because his nationality was German. He put out the lights and went to bed. He had a long week ahead of him.

'Ug?' he asked. He couldn't control his movements. He seemed to not know any language. Anyways, he looked around. a crowd of  weird looking things were hiding in a shrub about fifty meters from him. Shit, he wanted to say. If he was in his usual body he could have easily knocked out two, three of them before escaping. He was a pretty strong man. 

He tried to identify those things. As far as he knew, those were a species that mankind had never known or seen before. He knew it. This was just imagination. He tried to wake up. This was just a nightmare.

He couldn't do it. he was stuck to the dream. The things had some twisted type of gun with them. Maybe they were a type of human, a species that no one had yet discovered. By this time, he was quite sure he was an Astralopithecus. 

But then, no type of human could have that much advanced technology. he could have sworn they were wearing something like uniforms and a helmet.

One of them shouted something in a high voice. It was a language he had never heard before. The things raised their guns and clicked it. 

Just as he felt a searing pain in his side, he opened his eyes.

Just as he thought. It was only a dream. Still tingling with the pain, he dressed up. The pain in his side was so realistic. He would forget this nightmare in time. he always did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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