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(i think ill add a little more to Y/N, cause right now she just seems like an emotionless jerk)

WARNING: may contain SWEARING.

F/N = Your friends name. 


"Tobi wins again!!" Tobi laughs, pointing at your annoyed face. "Shut up! That's just beginners luck!" you spat, though you felt the corners of your mouth twitch into a smile before letting out a slight laugh. "5 times in a row?" he said between laughs, tumbling over. You started to laugh as well.

3 minutes later... 

"What the FUCK is going on!?!" Hidan bursts in, only to see both of you doubled over, laughing like maniacs. You both try your best to contain your laughter before turning to Hidan, still smirking. 

"H-Hey Hidannnn~" Tobi slurred, still laughing. 

"You guys are such pains in the ass, you know that?!" Hidan sighed, his hands balled into fists. You wiped tears from your eyes, still laughing a bit. 

"We have a mission! Hurry up before Pein is on MY ASS too!" he stormed out the door, still murmuring things under his breath. Soon enough, you and Tobi both stopped laughing before you walked out of Tobi's room, going to the main headquarters for the details on the new mission. 

Of course, everyone was there. Kisame, Deidara, Itachi, Sasori, Konan, etc. The only one who wasn't was Zetsu. 

"Hey, where's Zetsu-kun~?" Tobi asked, looking around as if he was hiding. 

"He's on a mission by himself currently. But that doesn't matter right now. There's a mission I need three of you on. Any volunteers?" asked Pein in his usual cold tone. I raised my hand, along with Tobi. Pein nodded.

"Alright then. I guess I'll just pick the third one randomly." Pein stated, and chose Itachi. "You'll be alongside Y/N and Tobi. Now, everyone is dismissed besides the three." With a motion of his hand, they all walked off except us three. I looked at Itachi for a moment. He was the dude next to Kisame. He was mostly quiet all the time, usually chiming in when it was too loud, or when he needed someone for a mission. Other then that, he was pretty chill. 

On the other hand... "YAY!!! TOBI AND Y/N-CHAN GET TO BE ON A MISSION TOGETHER!!!!" the orange-masked boy yelled happily. 'How did this kid get into the Akatsuki anyways...'

"I need you three to carry out an assassination." he said. 

"What is it?" Itachi finally spoke up. 

"This may be a little hard on you all, but that never stopped you three before." Pein said after a while. 

"Just tell us already!" you snapped, maybe a little too loud...

"F/N L/N." he glared, making me gasp quietly. Itachi and Tobi turned their heads to you, while your memories were all coming back to you at once.


FLASHBACK! (brought to you by Itachi's Mangekyo)

"Y/N! You coming or what?" F/N laughed, signalling you to follow. Gladly, you followed. 

"Want to go get dangos?! I heard there's a new dango shop here~" F/N sang.

"Do I?! Let's go! Last one there has to pay!!" you yelled before running towards the dango shop. As always, F/N won. 'how is she always so fast?'

FLASHBACK END (rip f/n l/n)

Of course, when you joined the Akatsuki, you two drifted away. It felt as if there had been a hole in your heart after that day. "There won't be any troubles, I promise you." you finally spoke. 

Pein nodded and dismissed all of you. 

As you walked towards your room, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see someone you'd least expected. Itachi Uchiha. 

"Well this is quite a surprise, you never talk to me." you chuckled. Your eyes drifted up to his. Though you knew he killed his entire clan, he had that weird vibe that made you feel safe. You pushed this away, though, knowing better than to get attached to a killing machine. 

"I need to ask you something." he said coldly. You sighed and shooed him off with your hand. This made him growl. 

"Can't this wait for tomorrow? I'm really tired and-" before you could finish your sentence, you were in your room. 'That was fast...' 

"I need to ask you something." he repeated. This time, he said it even more angrily, if that was even possible. 

"Fine, whatever. What's your question?" you asked, your eyes wandering around the room. 

"It's more of a favor, really..." he stated, his eyes wandering down to the floor. Your interest peaked as you diverted back to him. You hadn't really noticed before, but he was really cute. His hair looked soft and he didn't look all to cold if you focused on him. 

"I need you to do a temperature check on my brother, see how he's doing.." he looked up again, his eyes meeting yours. For a second, it seemed as if time had stopped. His dark eyes looked kind, yet bothered. You snapped out of it and blinked. 

"U-Uh yeah, sure..." your voice trailed off before you saw one thing you thought you'd never see in your entire LIFE.

The Uchiha genuinely smiled

"Thank you, Y/N" in a moment, he was gone. Out of your room. You smirked and bit your lip. 

"No problem, Uchiha." 

word count: 866 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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