Another Tag

33 5 7

Tagged by dis wonderful person: KanatosBae !!!!! Thanks Bae

Do you like someone?
Yes I do! Known him since 8th grade, though it is very quite between him and I, texting is our main source of communicating sometimes. Try'na still break through that shyness wall

Do they like you back?
Not sure, kinda hope so. I feel like he does cause our feelings are so in sync for some weird reason...not to make it sound cheesy. We did talk to each other about how we view one another though recently....

Middle name?
Kuulani (Ku-U-la-knee), it's Hawaiian -_-

Single or taken?
Happily single. One day, in the near future, maybe taken ^\\\\^

Girl best friend?
Ahhh, that's hard. My group of friends is mainly girls so I can't choose a best friend, they're all my best friends!

Guy best friend?
My crush, though he really isn't my BEST friend Cassie we're only friends at most. (Cause I think I'd be weird to date a BEST friend, just my opinion)

Fave otp?
There's a lot, but I gotta go with Kaori X Kousei!!! Shigatsu wa Kimi no uso!!!!! They were just toooo kute ;-;

Last person you texted?
Funny enough...........


....... crush

Last song you listened to?
Every time I close my eyes -Babyface
That sweet R&B song.....(sigh)

Battery percentage?

Lock screen?
Of course Dialovers, why not?

Reason you made WattPad?I just wanted to experiment with weather or not people would actually read my content, but now I enjoy this platform!!!!

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Reason you made WattPad?
I just wanted to experiment with weather or not people would actually read my content, but now I enjoy this platform!!!!

Birth Day?
February 25!!!! Almost hitting that 17 years mark T-T
Getting too old to fast

1. musicpanda1800
2. jessicakekawaii
3. TheAmazingKou
4. Shinara-san
5. AndreaBonilla200

Have fun peoplez!

Until next time, bye bye
Chu~ /(^_^)/

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