Bella meets Jasper

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I just got off of the plane

when I saw Charlie. I was

adopted by and Renée him 3

years ago because my know it all

vampire of a dad said I had to in

order to meet my mate. They

devorced not long after they

adopted me but before i officially

moved in. He said he didn't like

that I had to leave, but it was

necessary in order to meet him. I

love my mom and dad and i am

going to miss them but I want to

meet my sole mate. My dad said

that the god of war will change


"Bella whitlock get your ass

over here now!"

"Hey! I missed you ch-dad." I

Said with a nervous smile

hoping he did not catch my

mistake. Technically they are my

Real parents they just left me out

In a deserted ally way where

Peter and Shar found and cared

for me. They are going to be

joining me in about six hours

cause they missed the flight

getting stuff ready. They don't

trust my birth parents to take

care of me so they will be getting

the closest house to me.

"We are here so get your ass up

And go to your room after you

eat cause you have school in the

mornin." He said with a little bit

of a rough voice... He must be

tired and not used to talkin to

people out side of the station. It

Is about eight o'clock so I just

microwaved some leftover pizza

took a shower set an alarm and

Went to bed.

(Next morning)

Bella and Jasper are Mates FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now