Dating finn wolfhard would be like

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-long cuddles
-watching movies that you've seen over and over but you guys love it and watch it again
-going to target late at night and pushing each other around in the carts
-getting kicked out
-him bringing you chocolate on ur period
-him being super understanding and caring about your (lady problems) lmao
-helping you shop for clothes
-random kisses especially on your jaw or your neck and lips
-him slapping your ass in public and you slapping him back
-you calling him daddy beacause he hates it
-sharing food all the time
-when you see an advertisement for st or it
-god richie is soooo hot
-um I am richie
-oh really I didn't notice ahha
-laughing at everything
-staying up late cuddling and watching vines and old memes
-you shipping mike and eleven so hard
-hanging out with josh and his freinds
-dancing around and messing with finns guitar
-becoming best freinds with Ayla and Millie

Richie tozier/finn wolfhard preferences and imagines Where stories live. Discover now