Red Tulips - Chapter FOUR 🌷

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It took Lixue a few seconds before she could recover from the man's questioning. And even though the tone of the man's voice was neither gentle nor overbearing, Lixue could not help but get a little nervous because the man, who was basically a stranger to her, was asking her about her personal matters. Especially the last question. Did it matter if he knew about her marriage or not? What was it to him?

Although feeling puzzled, Lixue still gave her answer. "Sir, this servant is supposed to marry Eunuch Xu. A week ago, Young Miss Chi arranged this servant and Eunuch Xu to marry three days from now."

Even though it only lasted for an instant, the brief change of expression and the slight narrowing of the man's eyes when she mentioned Young Miss Chi did not escape Lixue's eyes. To cause a change in expression in this man's forever poker face, this Young Miss Chi surely must have quite a relationship with this man.

For a moment, the man made no reply but then he suddenly resumed walking. Lixue assumed that he finished his questioning and couldn't care less about her. Lixue was just about to continue wandering when she heard him speak again.

"Where are you going? Follow me." The man beckoned with his hands for her to follow.

Why couldn't he say that first? She could not help but complain in her heart. Now, Lixue deeply regretted not telling a lie. She should have just said that she was pondering about one of the world's mysteries, the reason why the sky is blue. She sighed, lamenting about the time she wasted and was going to waste in talking to a confusing man instead of making plans.

Lixue followed the man until he stopped in front of the biggest house in the estate. Wasn't the biggest house the master's house? Could it be that the man was Viscount Fang? Coming to this conclusion, she suddenly felt a little afraid and reminded herself to be more cautious. She could not offend the master or else her life which she places so much importance on, no matter if she could not remember anything or not, would be lost.

Seeing that the man had already entered the house, Lixue hesitated and lingered in the doorway for a moment but still followed in the end. He told her to follow him so entering the house should be okay.

Upon entering the house, Lixue was amazed by the furniture and interior design. The inside of the house exudes elegance and serenity and she could not help but relax due to the ambiance in the house. Different paintings lined the walls. There was one of a celestial-looking man donned in an entirely white ensemble holding a red tulip, the only color in the painting aside from white and black. In another painting there was a lady surrounded by red tulips. The red in the flowers was so vibrant, contrasting with the lady's calm expression.

Lixue was busy looking at the paintings when a maid lead her into the study. The study housed a lot of bookshelves and books with a few scrolls and documents stacked on the desk. A collection of brushes with different thickness and handles was on the left side of the room near the door. Near the window was a long divan with pillows and soft cloth sleeping mat to make it more comfortable. In the center of the room were three pairs of arm chairs with a table in the middle of the chairs. Jade plants were placed at the corners of the study, giving the room a fresher look.

A middle-aged man was also present in the room but he stayed standing at the side with a stony expression on his face. Lixue knew that the man was a servant, though unlike her, he was a first-ranked servant, completely in a whole new level than Lixue's.

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