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"Wake up,"
I shut my eyes even tighter.

"Miles, wake up bro," He urged.
I peeked up and saw my older brother Taylor biting into an apple as he shook me to wake up.

"I don't wanna go to school," I groaned, shoving my face into my pillow, wanting him to piss off so I could sleep.

"Not a chance bro, you're getting a full education, with full punctuality and good grades even if it kills me," Taylor said, rubbing him morning stubble, laughing as he gave me a 'morningnoogiehead' as he called it, before walking out.

I sighed and sat up and glanced at the clock on top of my wall across me, it read 7:55.
I had 20 minutes to get ready before my brother drove me to school, which took 15 minutes.
We lived on the outskirts of Indiana, the houses were much cheaper on the borderline of town. Just like the people.

I looked in the mirror as I noticed my disheveled slightly overgrown hair, shielding my cloudy grey eyes which skimmed over my build.
Not too skinny, not very muscly either.
A stormy boy all the butterflies at school say.

Fuck them, I'm eating 2 6-inch spicy hot Mexican pizzas tonight.

I done all my necessary toilet shit and then strode into our lovely kitchen.
I grabbed a pop tart and ate it un-toasted, the soft pastry and birthday cake filling being destroyed by my mouth and its pig like habits. With a pig like face as an accessory.

Don't know why the girls fawned over me. I always pretty much look dead.

I love eating sugary shit for breakfast.

Taylor ran into the kitchen and opened all the drawers, rummaging around each of them, looking for something.
After he'd checked them he looked on top of and under the table I was sitting on.

His panicked face finally met mine and asked, "Have you seen my car keys!"

I stuck my hand in my pocket and fished his most prized possession out, "Thought you'd never ask," I said, with a smirk on my face.

His face fell as he grabbed the keys and opened the front door, "You little piece of shit, you enjoyed the worst moment of my life,"

"Yeah pussy-o, quite entertaining," I said, rolling my eyes as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and followed him out into the car.

"I don't tolerate swearing in this household you little cunt," He said, grinning, as he started to drive.

"Look around bitch, we're not in the house,"

"Yeah but we're definitely in the middle of nowhere, perfect place to hide a dead body," Taylor whispered, waving his arms around.

"Hahaha, you're so funny," I droned on with the most dead expression I could pull off.
"With that face, you'll probably attract the most ugliest zombies there are," Taylor said.

I rolled my eyes.

He stopped the car and I got out without a goodbye, with my bag and my iPhone 8+ in jet black firmly in my hand.


"And so she came at me just because the football didn't hit the exact spot she wanted it to hit, bro it was only POINT 2 MILLIMETERS OFF POINT!" Caspian complained.
I looked at him, noticing the sun rays perfectly reflecting off his bouncy blonde hair, making all the girls sigh.

"You said point twice," I said to him, my eyes and face void of any emotion, not actually bothered to say anything else.

I went back to my phone, putting on 'Throne' by BMTH, inserting my headphones into my ears, closing my eyes and ignoring any incoherent responses Caspian was mumbling to himself rather than me.

I almost dozed off before I heard a screech right next to me.
My eyes opened as soon as the noise made its way into my ears, and I looked directly at the person who disturbed my almost slumber.

Ingrid Helena.
17 years old. Best friend, Malia Alvarez.
Not extremely popular, but both pretty faces, and not unattractive.

Ingrid had a look of horror on her face as she held the phone weakly. Tears streamed down her porcelain skin. She rushed out the classroom, keys in her hand, obviously going somewhere that wasn't school. The whole class was silent for a few seconds, before everyone started discussing what had happened less than a minute ago.

I narrowed my eyes at the door, where Ingrid had last been seen by everyone in this class.

I thought for little bit, where had Malia been, surely she was also in this class.
Where was she?

"Dude that chick is craaaaazy!" Caspian shouted at me, and anyone who managed to hear his loud voice.
Basically everyone.

I frowned, shoved him in the shoulder and closed my eyes, finally letting myself sleep.


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