Minako Aino x Male!Reader

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[You'd think there'd be more Sailor Moon reader inserts in the world. Well, there is only a handful. I've decided to contribute to the community and write this. Minako is probably my favorite out of all the Sailor Senshi, maybe because she just appealed to me more than the rest.

Some of this is probably inaccurate. Please don't kill me for it, this took me a few days to write! This is also my first reader insert, so... yeah. Enjoy!

(F/N) is first name, (L/N) is last name, and (Y/N) can be just your first name or a nickname. I wrote the majority of this with (Y/N) just being the first name, but whatever. ]

Your name was (F/N) (L/N), but everyone just calls you (Y/N). You moved to Tokyo just a few months ago at the start of the new semester, and you've made fast friends since you came from Okinawa. You attend Juban Middle School, one of your normal public schools.

Today was Sunday. There was no school on Sunday, so you decided just to mosey around town for a bit. The shopping district? The arcade? You didn't have your mind dead set on anything.

That was, until you saw someone you knew.

"(Y/N), hi!" Usagi Tsukino, one of your closest friends since moving to Tokyo, waved you over. The blonde 'bun-head' [a nickname given by none other than her now-boyfriend Mamoru Chiba] was bustling with energy from head to toe every time you're around.

She wasn't alone, though. Her group of friends consisted of: Ami Mizuno, a brainiac in her own right: Rei Hino, who's somewhat of a hothead: Makoto Kino, a girl strong enough to kick you against the wall without even trying: and finally, Minako Aino, whose obsession with the newest idols and stars of the millennium is... well, you wouldn't want to say that out loud, now would you?

"Oh, Usagi," You waved back and approached her, paying little but no mind to the other four. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, me and the girls were just going to go to the arcade! Why don't you come with us, (Y/N)?" Usagi practically grabbed your hand and begged you. "Oh, please?"

"Are we not enough for you, Usagi?" Ami teased, placing a hand on Usagi's shoulder and scaring the bejeezus out of her.

"A-Ami, jeez!" Usagi let go of your hand and turned around, fussing to Ami. "I see you every day, but it seems like I never get to see (Y/N)! We were going to go to the arcade anyways, so why not let him come with us?"

"Usagi has a point, Ami," Makoto spoke up, walking forward slightly. "but if we keep talking on like this, we'll be too late."

Checking your wristwatch, you furrowed your brow. It had only been a measly five minutes since your encounter, but Makoto was right; in just a few short hours, the arcade would be closed. "Yeah, we really need to get going."

Makoto smiled, glad that you agreed with her. Ami nodded her head in acknowledgement and began trotting off in the general direction of the arcade.

"Ami, wait up!" Usagi was already running after the blue-haired genius. Rei and Makoto followed suit, leaving you and Minako to trail behind.

You and Minako have never really held a lengthy conversation before; the only thing you have in common with her is your initiative to keep up with the ever-popular masked hero, Sailor V. You've never seen her in action, but the way that Minako and the other girls talk, Sailor V was a goddess in disguise.

"...you know, rumor has it that Sailor V is a normal everyday schoolgirl just like you, Minako." You put your hands in your pocket as you spoke, looking over at Minako for her response. She didn't say anything at first, but after a few moments, she spoke up.

"Not all rumors are true, (Y/N)," Minako spoke with a mischevious smile on her face. "Maybe Sailor V isn't who you think she is."

"I highly doubt that."

Sailor Moon: Minako Aino x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now