Prolouge (SAD-ISH)

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Hi everyone!! This is my first real story besides "Whatever Happened To Jake" and I intend to take this one more seriously than that one.

Anyways this will be full of heart break and romance. Hope you like it. Love ya!! 😘❤️

- Hailey💋💋


Hailey and Ben were the closest kids in Creemore, Ontario. After all, there was only roughly 20,000 people living there. Hailey moved to Creemore when she was 7, and on the first day of school, her now best friend for life, Ben, took her into his group of friends.

As the group got older, Ben and Hailey slowly detached from them, and making a smaller group of friends. they were all really close, especially Ben, Hailey, Marissa, Nick, Emma and Killian. Emma and Killian have been dating since 9th grade (it is 11th grade), Marissa and Nick started dating the previous summer, and They all wanted Ben and Hailey to date ever since they all really got to know each other in grade 8.

Hailey feels like she can trust Marissa and Emma more than her parents, Mary and David. She always goes to them about anything and everything before she goes to her parents. She feels like they wouldn't understand her. After all, they weren't her birth parents.

She was Adopted by them when she was five, and didn't really care about her real parents, because they didn't care about her enough to keep her. They just put her in a box with a note, a blanket, and a diaper.

During the years when Hailey and Ben started drifting off from the rest of the group, they started acting worse and worse towards them and their friends. Claire, the leader and "mean girl" as most people would call her, was Bens cousin, so it just made everything worse.

But Angela and Brooklyn, who used to be Hailey's best friends out of the rest of the group, hated her because she was Ben's best friend and took him away from them and they both had major crushes on him. Both have tried to get with him but he has done everything to get them away from them.

No one really cared that Hailey was friends with Ben, except the popular squad. They hated her after "taking" Ben even though he wanted to go with her in the first place. He never felt like he actually belonged there in the first place. Not until Hailey came around at least.

Hailey never really fit in anywhere before Mary and David adopted her. She was always a loner in school. She never really talked to people when she was young, and wasn't good at making friends. Not until she met Ben.

Ben and Hailey always felt safe around each other even when they were going through their worst. To them, they were like brother and sister, to everyone else, it was like they were a couple.

Ben never really realized how much he loved Hailey until she told her friends that she had to move at the end of the year. He never realized how her dark brown wavy hair flowed onto her back. How her light brown eyes shimmered against the bright rays of the sun. How fair her skin was in the pale moonlight.

Hailey never realized it either. She never realized the way his hazel eyes sparkled in the sunlight as he laughed. The way he ran his hands through his blond; almost brown hair when he was frustrated or mad. How whenever he smiled he always showed his pearly white teeth.

They never had put a second thought to it until she had to go.



Hey guys!! I know there was an authors note at the beginning but I wanted to let you know that I'll try to update as much as I can because I have finals coming up soon and lots to catch up on because I was out of school last week.

I also wanted to say that I wrote this monologue over the night and in school today so sorry if it seems a little rushed and if I left out things.

Alsoooo the monologue has 712 words!!! YES!!

BTW the next chapter will be up in about an hour or two


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