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I decided if this was going to be my last week, I should spend time with the few friends and family members I had. Today would be the best time because as the week progresses it will become harder and harder to hold back the petals trapped in my lungs.

I would want to spend my week with the one I love, but even the thought of their face sends me into a coughing fit. I want them to forget about me, so my death won't affect their feelings. I hope this works.

I decided to meet one of my close friends at a nearby coffee shop. I texted them, and in less than two minutes I got a response. I suppose it's because I barely text anyone. They said they would be able to go there in 10 minutes.

When I got to the small coffee shop the smell of ground coffee beans filled my senses.There was a rule where you have to order something to sit down, so I ordered black coffee.

I never liked coffee.

I watched as she walked in. She looked very casually styled, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. I raised my hand grabbing her attention. She glanced over at me nodding her head slightly. She ordered a drink and started walking over.

"Why did you call me? Did you have something to tell me or did you just want to hang out?" She questioned with a small smile on her face.

I gulped loudly, and replied'

"I have been diagnosed with Hanahaki Disease."

What used to be a happy meeting became one filled with sorrow. I know she never expected me to say this, but I suppose she never knew me well enough.

She sat there staring at me with wide eyes. She seemed frozen in her spot. I had done this to her. It's all my fault. Now she will be worried all week.

A tear slipped out her eye trailing down over her plump cheeks dropping off at the bottom of her chin. Time seemed to stop in its place not moving a second forward. As I stared at her she stared at the floor, hands covering her face. I could hear muffled cries and sniffles coming from her mouth and nose.

Then it seemed as if time resumed as she looked up at me muttering the words I couldn't answer.

"Who is it?'

I stood in my place, not moving an inch of my body. I wanted to speak, to cry out their name so that the world would hear the name. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Then I let out a noise; a choked sob.

By now people in the shop were staring. They would look away the instant I noticed, but then they would just look through the side of their eyes. It was annoying.

My friend also seemed to notice how uncomfortable I was. She walked over and slung her arm around my body ushering me to the exit.

"Let's talk about this somewhere else," She explained as we exited the coffee shop, eyes trailing us like a hawk's would. We sat on the outside patio pulling our coats over our shoulders, adjusting to the cold.I zipped up my jacket putting my hands around the coffee cup hoping it would warm them up more than my pockets.

The cold outside painted my nose and cheeks a light pink, matching with my swollen red eyes. I took the cuffs of my jacket swiping away the tears trickling down my cheeks. She looked at me before opening her mouth to speak,

" I suppose you're not going to tell me who it is are you?'

I shook my head no, still too broken up to speak to my closest friend. How pathetic of me.

"Are you going to get the surgery?" She questioned staring at me in the eyes.I've never been good at be the bringer of bad news, so I looked at the holes in the table when replying instead of looking up at her. I was too scared to see her reaction.

"No, I'm not, Joy."

"I figured as much" she replied sipping her coffee through the straw managing to burn her tongue in the process. She peeled back from the coffee muttering some sort of curse at the coffee.

I laughed harder than I had in a long time when she burned her tongue. There were tears of laughter forming at the edges of my wrinkled eyelids. I took a moment to recollect myself. She made me so happy, how does she do it?

I'm really going to miss Joy when I'm gone. I hope she doesn't mourn me much, I don't deserve it. I really don't deserve any of this.

I spoke up,

"We should probably go home, Joy." I said with a slight frown on my face, I didn't want to leave just yet. I didn't ever want to leave her side.

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