Groupchat // 7

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Lili: Hey Cami

Camlia: Yes Lili

Lili: You know how you've been dying to take Bonnie off our hands

Camila: Yeah

Lili: Well Cole and I were hoping to go out for an hour and we were hoping that you could take her for a while.


Camila: I'm on my way!!

Cole: Now that we'll be alone Lils, maybe we can make another one.

KJ: Um, Cole.

Cole: Shit, I thought I was on a private chat...

KJ: Yeah Cole, we noticed.

Casey: If you have another baby, can I be the god father?

Lili: Sure Casey

Madelaine: And can I be the god mother?

Lili: If you must

40 minutes later

Camila: Bonnie won't stop crying

Lili: Have you tried feeding her?

Camila: Be right back

Casey: She should not be a moher

Camila: Gee thanks

Camila: I'm trying my best

Camila: Okay, she's still crying.

Cole: Change her diaper?

Camila: Be right back

KJ: Should I go over?

Camila: I'm fine

Casey: If I ever have children, you will never take care of them.

Camila: Fuck off

Camila: She's still crying

Cole: Just snuggle her

Camila: Okay she stopped crying

Lili: She's such a sook 😂 😂

Cole: She's our little sook Lils

Lili: Cami, can we get her back now. I miss her.


Lili: Fuck off Cami!

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Lili: Fuck off Cami!

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