slippery slope

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It never used to be like this, one day I was a high achieving student, worshipped by my teachers and parents alike. Raised to be polite, traditional, and respectful, and now look at me; a drug abusing, academic failure, constantly getting in trouble inside and out of school.

Here I am, outside the Head of Boardings office awaiting the very conversation that could result in my immediate expulsion from boarding school. My whole body vibrates with anxiety, how could I have been this stupid, I knew I was about to cross the line with my antics from the past couple weeks but this has really pushed it over the edge... smoking weed on school grounds; how idiotic could I be! In a sense I deserve what's coming, I almost crave it, I just need something to save me from the water I'm drowning in.

The door opens, Ms Haversham beckons me in. As I walk through the door I barely recognise the person I've become; my flowing red hair is straightened down the length of my back, subtle blonde highlights glimmering in the light, my galaxy print skater skirt is short, skimming my upper thigh, and my velvet bodysuit and matching choker hug my body outlining my feminine curves. My eyes scan downwards, taking in my knee high socks and well worn doc martins. I've changed so much from the good girl i used to be. No longer reaching for nude pumps and a ralph polo, my old image a distant memory.

Ms Havershams' rough voice tears me from my thoughts, "Lauren I had really hoped to never see you in this office again, not only have you let yourself down, but you've let your parents down as well as the school. I had arranged this meeting with the clear intention of expulsion but by the grace of god those above me have showed mercy and instead you are required to perform 200hours of community service."

Community service! Did I hear her right, good lord I got off easy. Honestly I'd rather take the expulsion I really can not be bothered cleaning the dining hall and all the other meaningless jobs the wicked housemothers will probably force me to do...

Once again I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Ms Haversham directs her attention towards me, "Don't you think you're getting off lightly Lauren, in order to be sure you carry out your work to a high standard I've enlisted the help of one of the boarding houses finest to set a good example for you"

well great, i think to myself, this just got so much worse, I hate all those snobby brats I have the misfortune to live with. Born and raised like me,except they've turned into the polar opposite; preppy, stuck-up kids who follow all the rules and reject people like me entirely. As I let out a low groan a hard knock sounds on the door and it begins to open..

"Well that'll be him then! Lauren I'd like to introduce you to Jason Kelmscott, top honour role student, and head of the student leadership council."

A snort escapes me as i turn my body to register the body behind me, my eyes scan from the ground up; thick muscular legs covered by dark grey sweats, an obviously chiseled chest hidden beneath a black exercise top, a strong jaw... and then I audibly gasp. The most enticing green eyes i've ever seen; piercing me right through my soul. He's the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on... until he speaks:

"Hi I'm Jason, I guess you're our resident rebel?"

well this could get interesting...

Hi everyone,

thankyou so much for reading this far, this is my first novel (as you can probably tell) and i'm so excited to share it with you guys XD ! If you love it please like and comment!!! my instagram handle is mrslozisabadassbitch and I can't wait to connect with you guys

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