Resident Rebel

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Its been two weeks since my office encounter with Jason, and ever since then he's been trying to make my life a living hell; It's like he's following me! Constantly obstructing my locker with his broad chest, and army of skanks, moving seats to sit near me in class, and switching his groups lunch tables so they're adjacent to mine! I always see him out of the corning of my eye, looking at me with those strong green orbs, and I'm not the only who's noticed, my two best friends Cora and Tina can see it as well and they won't stop talking about it!

"Lauren I just can't get over how they're making you do  your punishment with that snobby rich kid Jason! Oh well it's not that bad, at least you have some eye candy whilst you slave away cleaning!"  

A deep blush creeps up my neck, as I whack Cora on her tanned arm for her comment,  she arches her head back laughing and her dark hair cascades down her spine. Tina starts to shake her head at the two of us, her glistening blue eyes shining with laughter, as her lips spread revealing her glistening white smile. 

Cora and Tina are my only friends at Freshwater high, the school we attend together. Like me they're not against partying, drinking and doing drugs. They've helped me fit in with them, giving me fashion advice when shopping at our favourite store Dangerfield, and hooking me up with the best drugs and the best invites to parties.  Tina's boyfriend Cole is older; a student at a college on the other side of town, he supply us with everything we need to have fun. Coras' parents are workaholics and are always away so every weekend she throws the biggest and best parties. Ever since I've met them I've transformed into the badass I am now and sure they may not be the best thing for me academically, but they're all I have, and for that I'm eternally grateful.

The bell rings signalling the end of lunch, and as I turn to put my rubbish in the bin I run into a hard chiselled chest, glancing up with anger I notice it belongs to my own private hell; Jason.

"Why hello there resident rebel, geez if you wanted to run your hands up and down my beautiful body you could've just asked." I scoff with disgust, of course he takes this encounter the wrong way. Every interaction we've had has been like this; sexual innuendos directed towards me, that are definitely not reciprocated, in fact every time he says something slightly inappropriate I do my best to escape the conversations. Whilst outwardly my appearances makes me seem promiscuous, and sexy; in actual fact, I'm still a virgin!

As I brush past Jason he grabs my wrist, and an electrical warmth runs through my veins from his touch; I jerk away, shocked. But as soon as my wrist escapes his grasp I feel cold and somewhat empty? 

"WTF" I whisper under my breath. As my eyes flutter up I notice Jasons' piercing stare analysing my features; self conscious, I adjust my ripped black shirt showcasing my purple bra, and my slim leather leggings followed by black pumps. 

"what do you want" I say harshly; internally I curse at myself for sounding rude. 

"I just thought I'd let our local delinquent know that we have community service in an hour. You, me, and 20 dirty tables to clean, sounds like the perfect date" he says as his voice oozes lust.

My face, a seemingly constant shade of red contorts into a glare, "Just because all you're snobby rich friend skanks fawn over you like you're a god, doesn't mean that I do. Honestly, just because you're very attractive, and have a seemingly perfect body doesn't mean that I'm going to worship you too!" I somewhat yell at Jason. By this point a small crowd seems to have gathered, hushed whispers circulate around us.

"you think I'm attractive?" Jason poses to me with a smirk.

I visibly cringe, realising my mistake... I've just told Jason, and the whole school that I find him attractive! 

Well shit, this changes everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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