믹스테잎 🎧 Mix Tape

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"Tinashe seen with Korean crew in LA"
"J-Hope and Tinashe: Collab of the Year"
"Tinashe is in Seoul"

All these are the talk-of-the-town in Twitter and other social networking sites. All the fans are having theories on when Hoseok's 'hixtape' will be dropped.

Hoseok has been busy all week and so as Y/N. He's finishing his mixtape while going on guestings. Y/N's busy with her packed production schedule since two people from their team resigned recently. The couple are still calling and sending messages to each other but not as much as before.

V took the time to send her sweet, sisterly messages everyday because he just loves having a noona. Also, he's the one who has been updating her of her boyfriend's whatabouts.

"Hey Tae Tae. I'm sorry I haven't answered any of your messages I've been really busy. I'm in Insa Dong right now", she told V while double checking the scenes that need to be shot that day.

"That's ok noona. I'm just worried about you", he said while talking gently from his room.

"I'm fine Tae. Why? What happened?"

"Oh nothing noona. Uhm.. just... did you happen to open your Twitter today?" he asked her whispering.

"I've been busy I didn't have time. Is there something wrong?" She's starting to wonder.

"Oh okay. I have something to tell you but..... oh never mind", he hesitated.

"What is it Kim Taehyung?" her tone raised.

"Tinashe is here!!"

"Tinashe?? Here in Seoul?" Now her voice is louder.

The crew around looked at her. She felt embarrassed.

"Yes. Here."

"Is it for Hobissi's mixtape launch?"she mumbled over the phone.

"Yes. They're talking right now."


"Hyung didn't tell you?"

"He never told me anything about Tinashe coming to Seoul and her meeting with him."

"Uh oh.." he paused. "I'm sorry noona. I have to go."

"Ok. Bye. Thanks."

She felt bad. Really bad. From all the stress at work, not having a decent sleep and dealing with her emotions. She even wasn't able to celebrate her boyfriend's birthday with him because of work. She's angry. She's sad. She just wants to cry.


She got to her apartment the next day. Dead tired from so much work and overthinking. She was able to talk to Hoseok but he still never got to talk about Tinashe. She knows it's so immature to feel jealous over it since it's all work. But is it really all work?

She took her phone and checked on her SNS. Too many news about the 'hixtape'. Social media news and fan sites uploaded photos of Tinashe in Seoul with a guy. She zoomed in the blurry photo. Even if it's only the man's back that was taken, she knows who it is. It's her boyfriend. Her boyfriend who never told her that he went out with Tinashe.

She couldn't handle her emotions. Her heart is beating fast. It's going to burst out of her chest. Her tears suddenly fell from her tired eyes. She cried. She didn't know for what reason exactly. She just wants to release all of it.


Kriiiiiiing!!! Krriiiiiiiing!!!

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