Chapter 1 - Curious and Curiouser

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    "Falsi and Maier, huh? Well... welcome to the team" a tall, golden haired boy welcomed, sticking out a hand for the two girls to shake. The red headed and purple haired girl had their arms crossed, staring at the hand. They didn't shake it and the boy coughed, nervously, and put his hand back in the pocket of his orange, Garrison get-up. "I'm Hoshi. Alfie Hoshi".

    "Roman Falsi" the red head replied, tilting her head slightly. Yup, you heard her. She said Roman. That was her brother's name, not her's. Meet the fiesty, stubborn and athletic, Kina Falsi.
     "Cole Maier" the fierce, purple haired one added, smirking at her friend. And the same as before, this person's name was not Cole. In fact, this girl was called Kari Maier. A fiery-tempered, secretive, hacker child with striking purple hair and captivating eyes. The red head smirked back towards her scheming friend. They were in the Garrison.

2 days later

Lance's Point Of View

     "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I remember yelling as the hot-headed boy in the driving seat drove us oFF A CLIFF! Thankfully, we landed. Well, I'm not sure if it's landing if you just hover above the ground. So yeah, Keith - my arch-enemy who won't stop getting in my way - drove us off a cliff and for the record, I did not scream. I shouted and yelled a lot, that's all. Fighter pilots like me don't scream. We are true men.
      That's all I can really remember from back on earth for now. I'll remember a bunch of stuff later, whenever I get everything else sorted out. I mean, we're floating around in the middle of space with no way home and five lions that we don't know what to with. Sometimes, I think that it's all just a bad dream and I'll wake up and be back home with my abuela and mama. But then someone puts their hand on my shoulder and says my name and I snap back to reality, which sucks by the way. Well, I guess that's just the way life is for now. But I'll sort everything out in my brain later, because right now, I need to focus. The whole universe is counting on us and I refuse to be the one who lets them down. I've let enough people down already and I can't afford to do it anymore. I can't do it anymore. I need a distraction and this is the perfect opportunity.

Kari's Point of View

    Spying on Pidge and her friends was fun and all, but the real challenge began the second Kina and I snuck onto the Blue Lion, hiding on the floor behind Shiro, Keith, Hunk, Pidge and Lance. Lance is officially the worst pilot ever. I think we nearly got concussions from bumping our heads together too many times. I would've been able to drive much better and I would have taken over if I wasn't busy trying to hack into the new-found technology. Kina was doing that much swearing I'm surprised the boys, plus Pidge, didn't notice us. That is, they didn't notice us until we, dizzily, stumbled out of the Blue Lion and into the Castle Of Lions.
     I think my favourite part of the whole experience was being able to show off Rei's new upgrade. She can hack into any tech in less than a minute. I'm so proud of her... meeting Allura and Coran was a fun part of the experience, but whenever they told us that there was no way home, the others couldn't believe it. They were so upset and I couldn't have handed Pidge more tissues if I tried. Kina and I, however, took the news quite well. Neither of us cried and neither of us yelled, like Keith and Lance did. Well, I suppose this is my life now. It's not so bad, it's quite entertaining altogether. Kina has been a great friend, my best friend, since we were knee-high to our parents. I'm glad she's here with me.

Shiro's Point Of View

     After meeting with Princess Allura and Coran, everything started to spin and more bad memories returned to my mind. I had calmed the others down, attempting to hide my own panic. After that, being introduced to Roman and Cole, or should I say Kina and Kari, was... pleasant. Kari was warmer towards Pidge, but Kina gave us all the cold-shoulder. She didn't seem very welcoming or friendly towards anyone, not even Kari, who described her as a friend. Allura, the princess, explained to us that Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge and I will be the new Paladins, controlling the Lions Of Law.
    Personally, I'm rather shook by the whole experience. Recently, I escaped from the Galra Empire and now I'm expected to fight against it as the Black Paladin. It's an exciting opportunity, but I can't help but feel frightened. Everything just seems to spin now.

Kina's Point Of View

    To be perfectly honest, I don't understand how these wimps can be the Paladins Of Law. It just doesn't make any sense to me. They have no knowledge of the universe or the way it works or the dangers or anything, except for Shiro. He seems more clued in than he's letting everyone else know. Unlike Kari. She has no idea what's happened or what's going to happen, but I don't blame her. It is all quite confusing for those who've grown up without secrets.
     I know it's even more secretive to say, but I know more about space than I do about Earth. You see, my head was always in the sky. I've always wanted to be able to fly, ever since I was young. I've always felt like I belonged in the sky, in space, more than I did on Earth. Also, the sky is much more pretty. All of those stars and planets in space whereas all we have on Earth that's pretty is the flowers. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type of girl who walks around with flowers in her hair, I just really enjoy looking at them. I'll admit it, flower crowns are pretty and all, but you'd never catch me in one of those.
     Countless nights, I stared up at the sky, wondering about my brother. Roman Falsi, the boy who I had pretended to be when I joined the Garrison, went missing along with Matt and Samuel Holt on the Kerberos mission. Kari's brother, Cole Maier, the boy that she'd taken on the identity of, has also gone missing, but not up in Kerberos. The second that Shiro's memory of the mission comes back, I will attack him with questions about Roman. I need to know where he is.

Roman, where are you? Where am I? Please help me.


Thank you so so much for reading this! I really hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it! Comment if you want to see more of this on my account, because I am really excited so see this book evolve! Once again, thanks for reading! x

Started: 20/2/18
Ended: 21/2/18

Word Count: 1202 words

Kina x x

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