Chapter 4 - Monster Within

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    Keith's Point Of View

    Purple. That's the only colour I could make out as I stared down at the limp body below my feet. The red hair and fiery coloured outfit clashed with her violet skin intensely. I wanted to look down in disgust, in hatred, I wanted to be capable of killing her... but something in my head told me no. Something in my heart yelled at me to give her a chance.
     My mind had drifted so far from focus that I hadn't even noticed that Allura and Shiro were arguing about what to do with her. Shiro wanted to let her stay but force her to answer their questions truthfully, but Allura was adamant that they throw her out of the airlock.
    "It's a Galra, Shiro! Our enemies!" Allura exclaimed, rage being self explanatory on her face.
     "It's also Kina Falsi, Allura. Our friend, I think we should let her stay, but just ask her questions" Shiro countered, his arms crossed and posture tall and strong.
     "She killed my whole kingd-" Allura began before I cut her off.
     "No. The Galra killed your kingdom, not Kina. She's innocent, Allura. You can't possibly throw someone who has done nothing wrong out simply because of who they are" Kari snapped, the purple bangs flopping about her forehead as Lance had to restrain her from ripping Allura to shreds.
     The princess scowled at Kari as Hunk and Pidge nodded in agreement to my comment while Lance and Kari were struggling with one another. The princess glared with her pearly, blue eyes as I fought a smirk off my face.
    "Fine. But do not expect me to show any kindness whatsoever to that thing!" Allura spat, turning on her heel and storming out of the room, the smoke from her tantrum practically following after her. Coran sighed, hands held behind his back, as he followed after the princess.
I looked down to my feet where a small moan had come from. The redhead lay on the floor, face down, and I turned her over, helping her to sit up by putting one hand behind her back and the other to hold up her chin, checking if she was okay. Kina blinked at me with glowing, yellow eyes, the fluffy purple ears perched on top of her head twitching here and now.
Her body felt so small and frail in my arms, like if I held her too tight she would snap in half.

Allura's Point Of View

I thundered into my bedroom, punching a wall as I entered. Anxiety and hatred was clouding my mind as I sat down on the floor, my back leaning against the side of my bed.
I put my head in my hands as the doors automatically opened just as they had done for me. When I looked up, I saw Coran smiling back at me, fidgeting with his ginger moustache. When I sighed, Coran put his hands back behind his back and shook his hanging head.
"Princes-" he began before I suddenly cut him off. I was not in the mood for a lecture right now.
"Not now, Coran. I don't need another person yelling at me for my opinion". The ginger Altean shook his head once again and sighed. I could feel Coran's pity weighing down on me until he turned and exited my room, leaving me alone with all of my thoughts.

Kina's Point Of View
Dear god, everything hurt so much. My arms, legs, head, chest, everything. The only other emotion that I could feel that wasn't pain, was warmth. Around my back and waist... and strong arms, I could also feel strong arms. My hand touched something toned and secure as I opened my eyes, revealing yellow eyes. And when they were fully opened, there was Keith Kogane. His dark strands of hair shielded his sharp, periwinkle eyes and his ghost-like skin was fitted perfectly, silently boasting about his chin sharp as knives and his slim cheek bones.
Without permission from my brain, my hand reached up and stroked those cheek bones, making Keith jump slightly at the feeling of my cold skin. I felt his cheeks heat up under my fingers and watched as his cheeks flooded with a thick crimson.
By this stage, everyone had left and the two of us were the only ones lying on the floor, staring at one another.
"Are you okay?" Keith asked as I lowered my hand and left it sitting on my thigh. I nodded in response to Keith's question, breaking eye contact with him. And then my eyes latched onto something purple. Raising my hand once more and holding it with my other, I bit my lip and pushed away the tears that threatened to spill from the edges of my eyes. "Did you know about this?".
Wow Keith, what questions. My mouth stayed shut as I shook my head in reply to him. I had never known that I was Galra, I always thought that I was just a normal human. Turns out hat you can never be so sure of yourself.
"You need to rest, you've had a scare" Keith stated, putting his left arm beneath my legs, placing one of my arms around his neck and lacing his right arm around my back. He lifted me up and began carrying me, bridal style, towards my bedroom.
I don't know what was I was doing, but I tucked my head into the crook of Keith's neck, his warmth taking over my whole body and he held me tighter.

Keith's Point Of View
I tensed up at the feeling of Kina's cold breath brushing against my neck. I watched as she closed her eyes, leaning into my chest more. And a smile formed on my face, one that I couldn't get rid of.
I strode into her dark room, the door closing behind us and deeming us into total darkness. I stumbled around in the dark, trying not to drop the surprisingly light girl in my arms. Eventually, I reached her bed and set her down, pulling the covers up to her chin and sitting down at the side of the bed. "You're gonna be okay, sweet, silent girl" I murmured, stroking the purple ears that stood up on top of her head. I let out a breathless but genuine laugh when she began to purr softly.
Letting out a deep sigh, I stood up and turned to walk out when something grabbed my hand. Looking down towards where I was grabbed, I saw a clawed, purple hand. Looking further, I saw Kina, her yellow eyes drifting back to the originality of her crystal blue. She was looking down now, her blood red fringe covering the top of her face. "What's wrong?" I heard myself ask, surprise and confusion lingering inside my tone.
"Please don't leave me alone again" she murmured, her voice more quiet and fragile compared to my own. I quirked up an eyebrow and tilted my head, the strands of dark hair falling in front of my eyes even more now. But then I began to understand what she meant. She just wanted someone to understand her.
I sat back down on the edge of the bed, still allowing Kina to hold my hand between her own. She caressed the palm of my hand, fidgeting with my fingers and locking and unlocking them with her fingers. I stared directly at her as she gazed down at our connected hands, a small smile appearing on my face.
Without me acknowledging my actions, I found my free hand holding her cheek, tilting her face up to look me dead in the eye.

"I will never leave you".

The next chapter comes out sometime in May ( around the 8th or 10th ). School and other clubs have started back up so it might take me longer to post chapters, but I'll do my best ( promise ). Summer holidays aren't far away so I should be able to write a lot then.

Thanks to all of you for reading!

Word Count: 1,354 words

Kina x x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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