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In my AU supernatural creatures can get drunk. It's more fun that way ;)


*one message from Queen❤️*

Well fuck

Hey baby💚
What's up?

Chillin at houuse

I'm really close, be there in 2

My parents ar slepin
u cant

Stop lying
Go home now or I'll make it dangerous for Theo

Fucc of

Read at 12:36

Liam puts his phone down.
,,Who was it?"
Theo asks.
,,Ma parents."
Theo squints his eyes.
,,Why are you lying?"
Liam looks into Theos eyes.
I can't tell him about Hayden..omg..
,,Look. I know something off, I'm gonna get you a drink, it'll make you sober and you tell me what's going on. Okay?"
Liam nods and Theo goes downstairs
Am I really straight? I've been turned on think about guys, but also about girls... wait omg, am I also bisexual??
Theo comes upstairs.
,,I think I'm bisexual and in love with a boy."
Liam says, grabbing his drink.
Theo says looking at him confused.
,,Liam. You're drunk."
Liam takes a sip.
,,But.. I've been turned on by a guy."
Liams says and jugs the whole drink at once. Theo still thinking about what Liam said, but then being distracted by Liams body.
,,Wow! This drink makes you sober like magic!"
Liam says.
,,Who's the boy you like and turns you on?"
He asks, with a neutral face, but curious intentions.
Liam looks at him.
I can't tell him that... I don't really know who it is anyway. I might have feelings for him, but I have a girlfriend, Hayden, and she's great...the only thing I could do is tell him it's-
Theo looks at him.
,,You don't need to lie to me."
Theo says, crossing his arms.
,,I'm not lying, I just can't stop thinking about him.. His smile and perfect hair..."
Liam looks away blushing, not because he's supposedly thinking about Nolan. He's dreaming of seeing Theo half naked.
Liam forgets Theo fast and thinks about Hayden.
My great Hayden...
,,Nolan? I mean... I can stop fucking him, since you like him."
Liam looks at Theo.
,,You guys have actually fucked?"
Liam looks at him, his heart tearing just a little.
No, you don't like Theo.
,,I actually need to go... Hayden wants me home."
Theo nods and Liam runs out the door to his house. He arrives and sees Hayden in front of Liams house with a tall guy.

Love at second sight//ThiamWhere stories live. Discover now