Random rant #1

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Can someone please tell me why so many people are obsessed with twilight. I just don't mean the fan I am including the haters as well. It seems the entire country is obsessed with twilight. The haters are obsessed with dissing it while the fans are obsessed with the characters. I think everyone who talks about twilight good or bad need to get a life. So can we all please stop getting all worked up about sparkling vampires? Is there really any point on arguing about it. This is a free country. So haters let the twilight fans be. No one said you have to like twilight because they do so why are you bashing it. Come on people what ever happened to the saying treat others how you want to be treated. So how about we all just grow up and stop bashing each other every chance we get. It is pointless and stupid and we all are just wasting our time on a subject that in a year or so no one is going to remember about.

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