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Does anyone on here have any idea why we are making such a big deal about having a black president when we are suppose to be all anti racism. Why do we have a black history month when we are all suppose to be treated equal. Having a monh dedicated to one races history is not equal exspecialy when only one race has it. What about the native Americans. They were here first yet they don't get any special month dedicated to their history. It just doesn't seem right. We are all like oh the color of the skin doesn't matter but when election time came around I heard a lot of I'm going to vote for Obama because he is black. Now how is that anti racism. And another thing. Why are black people aloud to make fun of white people and not get in trouble bit if white people make fun of black people you got to start running or you are going to get clobbered.

I mean no offense to anyone in writing this nor did I intend for any discrimation against one race or another. Please let me know if I offend you and how so I can make croections. Thank you.

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