Five: Switchblade

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The next week in school is as normal as ever. Niall and I had decided to keep things on the down low which was fine by me... I guess. We might attract too much unwanted attention. People talk too much at this school and I have no desire to be the hot topic of the week.

Harry and I haven't really had a full conversation since that night at the party (I still have a cold by the way), unless he has some snarky remark he thinks is funny. They usually aren't. It is a good thing though since I am still not sure what he was doing with that baggie full of cocaine. Yeah, I'm not stupid. I do not think I want to know, but still, curiosity gets the best of me sometimes.

I walk out of class and down the hall after getting permission to go to the restroom. I have been needing to pee since third period. My bladder is about to burst. After relieving myself and washing my hands, I go back down the hall, passing a window, and then slowly double back.

There is a guy and some girl arguing outside, pretty loudly from what I can tell. She starts walking back inside when he grabs a tight hold of her forearm. She tries to twist away and he starts yelling louder. He looks like he might hit her.

I don't even think about what I do next. I fling open the doors. "Hey! Get the hell away from her, asshole!"

Their heads snap to me. The girl with a scared expression and the guy with a furious one.

"Who the fuck are you?" He lets go of her and she hurries away from him.

Uh-oh. My confidence falters. I did not think this through carefully enough. By the look of his angry sneer and tattoos, he is not one to be messed with.

"I asked you a fucking question." He pulls something small out of his pocket. A switch blade.

I start backing up, but he comes at me and shoves me right up against the brick wall of the building. All the blood has rushed from my face and still no words are coming out of my mouth.

He smirks, running the metal tip down my face and neck. "You messed with the wrong guy today, sweetheart. How about I teach you a lesson about minding your own fucking-"

"Logan!" someone yells.

We both turn to the side and see Harry stalking menacingly towards us. Seriously, this guy is everywhere.

"Leave her alone. She's not in this," he continues.

"She just put herself in it, Harry. You know how this works." Logan still doesn't let up.

And I'm still holding my breath.

"Then you must also know not to cross me. I'm sure you've heard of what I can do. Now back the fuck off!"

I'm so freaked out I'm shaking like a leaf. Logan gives me one more hard shove before stepping back. The brick digs into my back and head. "Keep an eye on her. Next time you might not be here to protect her nosy ass." And with that, he's gone.

All the air rushes out of me as soon as Logan is gone, and I slide to the floor with shaky legs as I try not to cry. I think I might be in shock. Yeah, definitely in shock.

"Y/N." Harry kneels next to me. "Are you okay?"

I grasp at my hair and shake my head.

"Shit," he mutters. He moves to place an arm over my shoulder, but I push him away. His mouth slightly drops open.

I turn to look at him incredulously. "What the hell was that?" I don't wait for him to respond. I jump to my feet. "He almost dug his switchblade into my face!"


"I am going straight to the principal-"

Harry steps in front of me. "That's not a good idea."

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