10 { Hikes are never fun! }

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Y/N POV ————

It was the early morning currently, everyone was eating breakfast and some cursing silently about the start of a new day at.... at.. Camp Campbell.

Right now for me, I was sitting in the very back corner table with my gang; Nikki, Neil, and Max. The usual.

Max was poking his food with his pocket knife, Nikki was scarfing down her food, Neil eating he amounts of his food that looked edible, and I was just eating the food — not really caring at this point anymore.

Just as I was about to speak, David busted in and started excitingly shouting at us like normally.

"Gooooooood Morning Campers!" David grinned like normally.

"Today, we're going to do something special." His voice calmed down a bit.

This made some kids get curious, including me. I kinda felt guilty for that?

"We're going on a HIKE!!" He shouted happily.

*Insert groaning children*

"Yay!" Shouted spacekid before Max shoved his head.

"Shut up spacekid."


Gwen was talking a nap so David wasn't supervised. I was silently praying something would happen so we wouldn't have to go on this 'hike'.

But — unfortunately — nothing worked. Like always.

He made everyone go into groups, making sure everyone had a buddy. You know, "just in case someone got lost".

Me and the gang paired up obviously. Nikki was the only one, besides David, who was actually excited going on this trip.

We started to walk into the forest, David leading.
Nikki was acting like a dog and sniffing the dirt.

"Ooooh! I can definitely tell a rabbit peed here!" She exclaimed.

"Ew! Nikki! That's fucking disgusting!" I complained to her. "Nobody needed— or wanted to know that."

She pouted.

"But I did!"

I mentally slapped my forehead.

"Nikki you don't count as a person. You're your.. own person." Max said, monotone.

"See, that's what I was looking for!" I snapped my fingers in realization.

Eventually after a while, we got bored and decided to go off the trail. But, it was Nikki's idea so I won't get into trouble.

"Guys? I just thought..." I mumbled at the end, "where the hell are we?"


"Oh yeah."

Then Neil had a panic attack and started making up all these scenarios on how we could die.

"We could get eaten by bears! Or get poison ivy! Or, or.." he started breathing quickly.

"Hey hey hey Neil! Breathe in and out, in and out, slowly." I put my hand on his shoulder.

I made him do a few breathing exercises that I knew since I get anxiety attacks myself.

It took a while but eventually, Neil calmed down a bit.

"...and out." I exhaled with Neil.

"Ah, thanks Y/N." He smiled.
"Normally is just pass out and Max would wake me up by poking me with his pocket knife." He nervously giggled at the last part.

I glared at Max and he shrugged.

"What? It works." He said.

"Yeah okay whatever." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Now let's just go—"

Suddenly, a bear jumped out the bushes and attacked us, making us all scream.

Then I woke up...

..with a huge headache.

"Ugh... what happened?" I mumbled as I looked around my surroundings.
I was in the infirmary, again.

"I swear I'm in this place too much." I said as David walked in, very worried.

"Oh Y/N! You're okay!" He said, wiping a tear.

"Cool, but what happened?" I said. Maybe I got hit by the bear..

"Oh, you and your friends got separated from us in the woods. Apparently you laid on some poison ivy and passed out." He explained.


"Greaaaaat.." I fake smiled. Then a grenade went through the window.

I heard Nikki say "Sorry! Foul ball!"

Well, today sucks.

A/N ———

Take this trash.

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