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Sam's POV

"Dean don't even think about it"
"Think about what?"
I shake my head at him in disbelief,
"(Y/N) is my friend and you won't use her as you do everyone else"
Dean looks at me confused at my need to protect her.
"You have no idea what she's been through so leave her alone or I swear to Chuck himself..."
"Hey Samwise you better hurry up or I'll go without you"
"On my way"
I look at Dean with a stern face and mumble "Don't wait up for me" and leave him watching the door I walked out of.

Hello my little ukuleles, it's been too long-my fault I know- but I'm back. I'm sorry it's been this amount of time it's because my heads not in the best of places but I hope you enjoyed this I'll see you soon,
                        Cara X

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