Chapter 27

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I feel violated after last night, that was the worst point in my life ever


Connor and Shane come storming in

"GET UP BITCH!" Shane barked

I weakly got up

I haven't been eating because I don't like the food they give me and if I don't like it I won't eat it

"Come here" Connor said

Connor is nicer than Shane, Shane just barks and shouts orders at me

When Connor asks me to do something he is less demanding even though I have to do it

I slowly walked to him, I stand in front of Connor and Shane

My tank top was hanging low and it was battered and torn and my shorts where like up my arse short, they gave me those clothes and I hate them but I have nothing else to wear

I look up and them and Connor brings his hand down to my face

"Are you ok babe?" Connor asks

"Fine thank you" I mumble

"Its ok to talk to me" Connor said

Shane rolled his eyes

Connor leaned down and put his lips upon mine, this is the first time he has done this

"Shane will you please get the fuck out of the room, so we can have some time alone?" Connor asked, Shane walked out mumbling to himself

"So Emily I haven't talk to you much since you have been here" he said, I gulped

He leaned down and kissed me again, I didn't move my lips at all

I was not going to cheat on Zayn, I love Zayn

Connor nudged my lips but I still wouldn't kiss him back

He bit down on my bottom lip and I yalped

I weakly started to kiss him back

I felt dirty and disgusting, he pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me and continued to kiss me

I pulled away and he moved down to my neck

"Connor stop" I said

"No baby it will be fun trust me" he said smiling

"No stop I don't want to" I said, I felt tears forming in my eyes he moved down my body and kept kissing down

I let tears slip out of my eyes I didn't want this to happen

"You tell anyone about this and I swear I will come and kill you and your friends" Connor growled and carried on kissing down my body

He roughly removed my clothes and his as well and then he did some unimaginable stuff to me..........


There was a seat under the window and I was now sat there looking out of it and before you ask the windows are blacked out from the outside

So no one can see in but I can see out and I can't open the windows so I am stuck here

I hear the door open behind me and I keep my head focused on the window and the outside world

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