Chapter 1

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The bell rung as the kids settled into their seats, ready for class to begin, and end. Marinette smiled dreamily as she watched Adrien talk casually to Nino, wishing she could work up the courage to talk to her crush. However, this blissful setting quickly ended as Chloé's snotty voice cut through the chatter.
"Adrikins!" Her heels clacked against the floor as she made her way up to Adrien.
Adrien's head turned toward her in response to the pet name she gave him, and gently smiled. "Hey, Chloé."
"Adrikins, would you want to go to a movie with me after school today? And then," she leaned up close to him, "we can head back to my place." She smiled at him, completely oblivious to the dirty look Marinette was throwing her way.
Adrien smiled sadly at her and shook his head apologetically. "Sorry, Chloé, I have a photo shoot."
Chloé finally caught on to the death glare Marinette was giving her, and smirked, then turned her attention back to Adrien. "Well, how about I meet you at your photo shoot?"
Adrien looked uncomfortable, but he tried not to be rude, and shrugged. "I don't know...I guess, if you's in the park..."
Chloe smiled, glad she got what she wanted. "Great, Adrikins! I'll see you then!" She headed back to her seat as Madame Bustier came in to the room.
Class passed by slowly as all Marinette could think about was Chloé and Adrien's sort-of "date" occurring after school. She finally decided on the idea of that maybe Ladybug will stop by and check on the situation. She nodded to herself in affirmation.
Finally, class ended, and the students began to file out of the school. Chatter of after school plans could be heard as Marinette and Alya walked, side by side. Alya smirked, side-glancing at Marinette. "I'm assuming you're upset and planning on spying on them?"
Marinette flicked her head up from looking at her feet to Alya, shocked. "W-what? N-no. Not at all... Why would I be upset? And why would I spy on them?"
Alya chuckled, clearly knowing Marinette was lying. "Girl, I know you better than that. I also know you well enough to know that you already have an entire plan constructed. Do you need my help?"
Marinette flushed, embarrassed, and shook her head, and was about to respond until she heard yelling nearby. The two girls looked toward the noise to find Chloé and Sabrina fighting. Marinette and Alya were surprised; usually the two never fought, and Sabrina usually never had the guts to raise her voice to her so-called "best friend". Marinette and Alya looked at each other, eyebrows raised, and smiled at each other, both in tacit agreement to eavesdrop on the two.
The two girls hid around the corner, watching the argument occur. Chloé's voice was the easiest heard, like usual. "Sabrina! I told you already. I'm busy today! And tomorrow! And every day after that this week!"
"But Chloé, you said that we were going to hang out today!"
"I. Was. Lying. To. You!"
Sabrina stepped back, shocked to hear that she would lie to her. "W-what?" Tears sprang to her eyes. "Y-you were lying to me?"
"Yes, I have, Sabrina. This entire time. You're just so stupid, you never noticed it!"
"I-I..." Sabrina shook her head and ran off to the nearest, yet hidden, bench, tears flowing heavily now. "How could she have lied to me? I thought we were best friends..."

Meanwhile, in Hawkmoth's lair, he had been watching the entire situation, laughing evilly. "Ah, the utter heartbreak of having a loved one lie to you...perfect prey for an akuma!" Hawkmoth coldly smiled, and created an akuma, setting it free into the Parisian afternoon. "Go, my little akuma, and evillize her!"
The akuma flew, heading toward its target. It absorbed itself into Sabrina's glasses. Sabrina stood up, and listened to Hawkmoth's instructions.
"Truthbuster, you can get revenge for having your closest friend lie to you, and reveal the secrets of all those that have hurt you. All I ask in return from you are Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses. What do you say?"
Sabrina grinned. "Of course, Hawkmoth." The akuma then covered her, akumatizing her into Truthbuster. The villain laughed and took off into the sky, searching for her target.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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