Chpt. 11- Help!!

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It was an early morning at EAH and blondie decided to rake a short walk into the enchanted forest before cupid Wakes up. On this particular day the enchanted forest was really quiet and peace full in blondies opinion 'just right' all of a sudden someone comes up behind blondie and grabs her arm scaring her. "Ahh!" She pulled away and started running her looked back to see a masked person. She couldn't see who it was she kept running and running. Then she heard a splash and then she fell. She was now pinned down by the person. "W..who were you? What do you want?" The person unmasked themself and she saw...

Blondie: Apple?!

Apple: that's right, blonde.

Blondie: what do you want?

Apple: you'll see....

Then Apple takes out her spell book or also known as (cough Faybelles cough) she stole it and cursed Blondie with a poison spell so blondie would die.

Blondie: *cough* Apple why?

Apple: that's what you get for rebelling me. Nighty night porridge girl.

Blondie: *weak* you won't get away with this.

Apple: I already have. *laughs evilly*

Mean while with Cupid.....

"Blondie?! Where are you?"

"I better call Lilly or raven or Apple or someone if they seen Blondie"

Calls Lilly


Lilly: ya Cupid what do you need?

Cupid: have you seen Blondie?

Lilly: no I haven't sorry, but I'll help look for her.

Cupid: ok bye.

She calls everyone else except Apple then runs to kitty and maddies dorm.


Kitty answers. "Hey cupid what do you need?"

Cupid: kitty can you do me a favour?

Kitty: depends....

Cupid: I'll help you with your next prank.

Kitty: deal.

Cupid: can you teleport around the school and see if you can find Blondie she's missing.

Kitty: yup be right back. * disappears*

After a few minutes kitty returns, holding an unconscious Blondie.

Kitty: here she is.

Cupid takes blondie into her arms.

Cupid: thanks kitty, Blondie, wake up.

Blondie doesn't wake.

Maddie: let me check, Cupid set her down on my bed.

Cupid: ok. *sets blondie on bed*

Maddie checks Blondie heartbeat and breathing rate.

Maddie: oh my wonderland!

Cupid: what is it!

Maddie: blondies heart rate  is slowing and her breathing is barely breathing.

Cupid: oh no! I'm calling raven, she might have been poisoned or something.

Kitty: good idea, I'll get raven. * teleports*

Raven: I'm here! What's the problem?

Cupid: blondies heart rate and breathing is slowing. Kitty found her unconscious in the enchanted forest.

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