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Stars can't shine without darkness

Beth sat on her bed, biting her nail as she stared down at the Divination homework. Her Astronomy homework was right beside it and she wanted to rip her hair out. She let out a groan and fell back against her bed, sighing deeply. Maggie was out with Colin and although her friend had invited her along, she'd declined; Beth wasn't all too fond of third-wheeling. Especially when they started snogging.

Not wanting to bore herself to death with homework, she stood up and glanced at the time. She had about an hour before dinner, just enough time to visit the Owlery; Kota was probably dying without her owl treats. Beth smiled at the thought and grabbed the bag of treats in her bag and left her dorm, heading downstairs.

She wandered through the castle, humming under her breath. She passed a few other students and they smiled at her in greeting. "Hello." She greeted back, offering her own warm smile. She didn't really have any enemies, except for the Slytherins. But of course, none of them had sneered at her or Maggie so she wondered what that was about. Perhaps the prince's influence was greater than she thought. She finally entered the room full of owls; some of them were sleeping. Upon her entrance, a few hooted in welcome and she offered them treats in return. At the rustling of her bag, more owls began to pay attention to her.

There were owls of all sizes and breeds and they were all fixed on her hand, which held the treats. She was about to offer one to a pygmy owl when an annoyed screech sliced through the air. Kota was flying towards her, her eyes locked on the smaller owl. The owl let out a faint hoot of fear and darted back to his own nest. Kota pulled up sharply and landed lightly on Beth's shoulder, nibbling at her ear affectionately. "Jealous, are we?" Beth mused and offered the treat to her owl instead. Kota took it in her talons and broke off pieces, eyeing the other owl warily. "No need, you're my owl." Beth reached up to stroke Kota's head.

It was then that she noticed the note attached to her owl's leg and she took it, opening it up. George's familiar, messy scrawl brought her good mood plummeting. She'd been so caught up with her own drama that she'd forgotten about the boy waiting for her at the Burrow.


How come you don't write to me? Am I too boring for someone as famous as you?

Only joking, how's school been treating you? I hear from Ginny that there's been a lot of exciting drama unfolding between you and your own trio. Everything alright?

Kota showed up at my window and annoyed Fred. Wouldn't leave till I wrote to you so I guess she thinks something's up. Your owl has a sixth sense or something. Anyway, I got you something to keep your mind off of the drama. See you at Christmas?


Beth felt the warmth in her fingertips as she imagined him bent over a desk, scribbling furiously as her owl looked over him. Then came her confusion. She'd admired George since she first laid eyes on him; it wasn't hard to tell him apart from his twin. There was something in his eyes that drew her in. But Draco.

She inhaled deeply and felt Kota grooming the top of her head, lightly pulling at the hair. "Kota, I dunno what I'm supposed to do. I mean, I kissed George so he probably thinks I'm into him. But then there's Draco, who's constantly around and always pulling me in."

Beth imagined her owl talking back to her and it helped slightly. Maybe she was going insane. What was that muggle syndrome when you heard voices? Perhaps you're lonely without George and so you've settled for Draco as a temporary replacement.

"It's not like that at all! Draco is charming and witty and there's just something about the way he looks at me." Beth tossed Kota another owl treat. Her owl flew off her shoulder and landed in her own nest. Beth wandered after her, sighing. Lust rather than love?

Beth's heart stopped and she squeezed her eyes shut. "No, Kota, I don't love Draco. Or George. Well, maybe George but not in that way. I love George as I'd love Harry." Once the words were out of her mouth, she wished she could take them back. Did she only love George as a brother and nothing more? You don't even know what that kind of love is, Elizabeth.

"I know."


Beth ducked to avoid a bludger, twisting in the air as she attempted to catch up to Ginny. They were practicing a simple play that Harry instructed as a warm-up. It should've been simple but ever since Katie Bell had been off, due to some necklace, the new Chaser was Dean; he was alright but he wasn't using teamwork. It was frustrating Beth to no end. How many times had they gone over this play? At this rate, they might as well hang up the house cup. "Dean! Pass it!" Beth shouted and Dean sent her a withering look before taking a shot.

Ron easily blocked it and Beth wanted to wring Dean's neck. Her eyes narrowed and she purposely dove towards Dean, barely whizzing by him. He let out a shout of surprise and Ginny yelled at Beth for almost knocking Dean off his broom. "Tell him to pass the bloody Quaffle!" She shouted back, flipping Dean off. "Little fucking ball hog!"

Harry blew his whistle and the Chasers landed around him, all of them angry. "What's the problem guys? You were all doing so good!" Harry told them but she felt the way he did; he was just as annoyed as her.

"You mean, we were doing good when Katie was on the team." Beth interjected and Harry shot her a warning glance. At her words, Dean exploded, cursing at Beth so fluently a sailor would blush. She got in his face, or attempted as she was a little bit short, and answered. "Some people can't handle the truth, you blundering asshole!"

Dean's face darkened in color and he opened his mouth to argue back but Harry shoved himself between them. "Oi! Both of you! Cut it out! We don't have time to turn against each other. Dean, stop being a ball hog and look for your teammates for openings. Beth, remember that he's apart of your team now so fucking act like it! Do I have to look for replacements for the both of you already?"

Harry's threat snapped her from her anger and she glowered once at Dean before she turned around, calming herself down. "Alright then, that's what I thought. Now let's run the play again. Dean, pass the bloody ball."

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