My fears

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Ok so I'm going to be completely honest with you I'm scared if so many things do this list might not be all of them just the stuff off the top of my head
Warning my grammar is terrible and if someone tries to mention it they can get over it.
1.~ any cats that aren't black
2.~ the ugly thing I see when I look into the things called mirrors
3.~dark basements in horror movies them idiots know they shouldn't walk down the dark staircase to.
4.~ falling of a roller coaster
5.~ any physical education or exercise
6.~ killing someone in my sleep
7.~talking to people
8.~class presentations
9.~fake smiles
10.~ becoming less smart then what I am right know even though I don't know if that's possible
11.~ watching drama shows with my mom it's actually scary
12.~falling in an endless loop such as from the sky splashing into the ocean and then falling out the sky again
13.~ my academic skills in general
14.~ forgetting  to publish yet instead leaving a draft
15.~living people,and dead people. So basically all people.

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