RV Trip - Day 1 (Not in order)

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So. I guess I'll be writing about random stories I've encountered through my life.

So I was in an RV trip, riding around like normal, enjoying the nice ride with our cousins, uncle and aunt, we were heading to the Grand Canyon. It was the hottest day of my life, walking around, me just chugging water constantly. But, there were these strange...bugs. They looked like this queen ant, but...there were a few of them.

I came over to see it and called to my family to look at these strange bugs. They were shiny and green too. One was upside down and not moving too much, like it was dying. It had strange wings that looked like they were bent, so someone might have stepped on them accidentally. This boy came over and randomly complimented my necklace, then running away.

No idea what happened there, but I still wish I knew to this day. The same day there was this chipmunk just standing there out of the border, it didn't notice us but my dad got his camera out about to take a picture, it just realized we were all looking at it so it freaked out and ran away.

lol I just realized those two paragraphs both ended with 'running away' then 'ran away'. Huh xD
Anyway. There was this baby squirrel and a mother squirrel, me being little I wanted them to come to me, I tried to approach them but my mom whispered to me, "You should stay still so they will not freak out about you. They might think you're trying to hurt them."

So I just stood there, but then I gave up because they didn't take a notice in me. After awhile while I didn't expect it, the baby squirrel just lay down on my shoes. And they did it for a while, too. The mother squirrel realized her kit were sleeping on me, and just stared at me like 'u wut' and then the smol squirrel woke up and quickly rushed to its mother.

Interesting day. But that wasn't it for me. I took a long hike as well and we moved on in the RV trip. My cousins were laughing while talking, as well as my brother and sibling (I say sibling because one of them is non-binary) and I fell asleep on the table with a pillow. Very bumpy, so when I woke up randomly in the middle of the night, I had an headache. It normally wasn't very easy to fall back asleep, but I was lucky and fell asleep in the 10 minutes I was awake.

I'll tell you guys the next day I had tomorrow :> I think I actually wrote in a diary in this time so I might actually tell you guys straight what I said! Sounds kewl :> but it might uhhhh. Take a long time to read it because I was so small and I've tried reading it before and it was sooo bad of handwriting...heh

Anyway. Peace to all :>

(RIP I keep forgettin so I dont know if i can)

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