One- The day dreamer. (Introduction.)

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~~3rd person POV~~
When (your name) moved back to America, the culture differences struck her like lightning. No longer did kids attend one high school, nor did they have the same liberties and safeties, no. Now, she felt lost in an ocean of grinning socialites. Don't get me wrong, you didn't oppose the idea of friends. You just couldn't find the right topics, the right times, you couldn't find where to start and you felt anxious, everything was new and you felt like a careless tourist.
"Just three more years." You remind yourself, getting up. You slide on the bit-too-big black parade sweater and blue skinny jeans, black converse, and let your hair floof around your face, covering parts of it, protecting it from the criticism of social activities.
You are alone in the morning, your father off to work and your mom sleeping, your older brother was always a late riser, and you liked to get out as soon as possible.
The coffee machines gurgles of hot water snaps you out of your trance, thinking about various assignments and projects, you grab your tumbler and fill it up, adding sugar and milk, you race out the door. The wind instantly bites at your face, and you try to control your hair from blocking your view. Your messenger bag, falling loosely at your side, slams into your legs a bit. You groan in annoyance, marching to hell- school. You notice a car driving up beside you, inside, you notice upperclassman and valedictorian  Arthur Kirkland, his half brother Alfred jones driving, with Francis, Matthew, Mathias, and Gilbert in the back. You just knew them from around, you've been here long enough.
——your POV—-
The car is pulling up, like every day, and I find  myself huddling closer. They seem like nice kids, and Arthur is a good partner, but they're just so... magnetic. They have everyone hanging on to their words every second, they're never alone. Part of this might be salt because I'm alone, but most of it is thinking of the uncomfortable sensation  of having so many people around you at once.
Arthur says something to Alfred, who slows the car.
"Hey dudette, need a ride?" Alfred smiles his pearly white grin, he's in a Superman shirt and jeans. He has his sandy blonde hair fluffed by cowlicks and eyes that put blue skies to shame. I feel eyes on me, and everything in my face heats up.
I shake my head, unable to find the words.
"Come on, it'll be quick! A ride won't kill you!" Arthur flashes his emerald orbs with a kind smile,
"Come on love. Just this once? It's cold out here."

Option a: I say no, walk in the cold, avoid eye contact all day and pretend I was just busy. At 6:50 am.

Option b: I say yes, get in the car, feel like an outsider, and scramble out with the possibility of a fan fiction type friendship blooming.

Option c: randomly combust and never deal with social situations ever again, cry, and read until purgatory freezes over and kicks me out.

Option c is the most appealing, but as spontaneous combustion isn't my specialty, I stand there like an awkward rabbit.
"Come on already, just pick one!" Matthias cheers, I feel my face flush with shame and I stutter on my words'
"I-I think I'll be fine, it's not a pro- it's not a problem for me to walk."
Alfred opens his mouth to say something but Gilbert reaches forward and slams Alfred's gas-pedal leg forward and the car jerks ahead of me. I take this chance to run, no way in hell am I going with them, what if someone gets the wrong idea? Or if I get asked about it? Or if I do learn how to spontaneously combust and explode all over them?!? There's too much at risk, I grip the cup tighter and hurry to the courtyard. They see me, locking up the car and heading forward. All of them are older than me, and I have the confidence of an ostrich on roller skates in Antarctica.

I find myself looking to the floor, I mark down the path I've walked every day since I moved here to the space behind the library. It's a garden-esque area, but because it is littered with spiders and other NATURAL ELEMENTS no one wants to go. I find odd solitude in this place, it's calming and a little bit like where I used to be.
"Hey dudette!"'someone calls from behind me. I jump, hoping he's talking to someone else... or the ghosts.... anyone but me.
My chest tightens and I turn around, Alfred is doing that awkward half-run half-walk thing you do when you don't want to make someone wait but have the running ability of a fucking snail.  (Snails don't have legs, IE. I can't run god dammit-)
"Heeeeey" SHIT.
"Hey dudette! You dropped your tiny little notebook- I saw it on the sidewalk!"
"Cool. Thanks." FUCK.
Alfred laughs, the kind of you laugh you do when you see a baby doe walk for the first time or when a little kid says fire fuck instead of fire truck, he gives me that big goofy grin.
"No problem! So are you new"
"Oh really? That's so cool!" He smiles again.
"Uh-huh." Man, these shoes are super interesting wow just look at them!  Talking isn't that hard.
He falters for a moment but smiles nonetheless,
"Then I'll see you later!" He hands it to me, and in stiff motions I take it, looking around at the ground. I hear him retreat and sigh a breath of relief. I am dying to make some friends, and he reached out, but to me I have this huge block labeled "NEW KID" in neon lights above my head.  It's this mental block that always holds me back, and it's scary.
**Time skip**
(Y/N) sits in class, ahead of the "Awesome trio" aka, Alfred, Matthias, and Gilbert. She hears them groaning.
"Coach is saying if I don't get my grade up, I'm off the team!" Alfred slams his head on his desk. The teacher glances at him for no more than a second before returning to paperwork.
"Well (Y/N) has like, straight A's" Gilbert slides in, looking up at the girl. She tenses and turns around, glancing at them. He smiles and she smiles awkwardly back, turning back.
"Dude, I could totally use those grades" Matthias groans, throwing himself back dramatically.
"Hey! Dudette! Can't you help us?!"  Alfred ran up to the (h/c) girl, who was at the end of her wit, and smiled and nodded,
"Mhmm, Yep! Just like- give me- f- give me a minute." She excuses herself for a minute to mentally scream before turning around, letting out a quiet breath, "alright. I'll see what I can do."
The American smiles wildly at her help, and she puts her head on her desk, wondering what the fuck she's going to do now.
(POV change again because I'm indecisive and have written this over a two day period.)
Fuck. I race home, slamming my door quickly. I know no one else is home, and I thank god for that. I quickly look around and think: how am I going to help them? I don't even know what I'm doing! Alfred just- Ugh, it's his damn smile and presence I couldn't say no. He's too magnetic, too social. He's just got this- draw around him!
"Why can't I have that....." I stare down at my pillow, sliding on the hoodie my best friend got me before I moved, it makes me homesick. Back where I was, I had friends. I didn't have to stay on the outside or stutter when I speak because I knew people and I didn't feel so lost, but here it's all new and terrifying. It's all different and I'm fine with school, but social skills make me shake.
"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw."
Buzz buzz.
Weird. Either dads texting about dinner or Arthur messaged me using the number I game him for a project.
Unknown: Hey dudette! It's the hero! Aka, it's Alfred. Arthur gave me your number. Thanks again dudette!!!!
Me: it's (Y/n). And no problem.
Golden boy: of course! Agh, so when do you want to start? The guys and i are totally free during lunch!
Me: sure. Why not.
There goes my lunches of solitude. I could look on the bright side that maybe now people will notice me,'but if it's the all eyes on you kind of notice, I'd rather pass.
It's the morning of the tutor-lunch and I feel sick.
Coffee machine gurgle, run out the door, walk to school.
Car pulls up.
Gilbert doesn't slam the gas.
"Keseseses, Hey frau! Need a lift?" Gilbert smiles from the backseat, Arthur is there too. Huh. I smile politely; ready to decline.
"I'm sure Alfred would love your company!" Matthias smiles widely as Alfred seems to blush from embarrassment and hit him. Matthias rubs his arm and pouts.
God dammit (y/n) just- "fake it till you make it" type bullshit. I walk over to the car and sit down, my bag in my lap. Hot coffee between my thighs, Alfred turns up the music and starts driving. "So where'd you move from?" Alfred asks, glancing at you from the corners of his eyes as he drives.
"I- Okinawa. It's off of japan." They stare at me, in playful shock,
"You can TALK ABOUT YOURSELF?!?!" Matthias screams theatrically, hands on his cheeks.
"Nope. I'm just fucking mute when it comes to my life because I'm secretly an assassin." I snap back, this time the shock is real. I snicker. It reminds me of how my friends and I used to joke.
And the first time they heard me curse.
"What? I'm a lady. I don't spew profanities, I fucking enunciate them." I sit back, looking in the mirror to see their faces. Gilbert is the first to throw his head back in laughter, and the others follow. Even Arthur chuckles and shakes his head. I feel a smile hint at my mouth.
Maybe this won't be so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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