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Over 🌟
I feel like I'm in over my head
Laying soundly in my bed
I over think
And think and think
Everytime I blink
A new tear
Falling from my crease
This feelings will not leave
I've taken to much than I can handle
I want a relaxing bath with candles
But I can't when I can't move
And keep shaking
This is all in my head
I'm to far deep
Into my thoughts
I can't fall asleep
I've fought this before
But it gets harder each time
People say things get easier each time
But I keep slipping in my thoughts
And can't come back
And I lack
Something I can't get back
No its not someone
But something
These thoughts cling
To my conscience
Sometimes I think I've lost it
But I come back every time 
I'm in over my head
But I can't go back under
I'm stuck
So good luck

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