Chapter 17

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(Warning: rape, blood, sexual intercourse.)

He didn't know the nightmares would come back, making him not being able to sleep well again. Slowly opening his droopy eyes, Nick saw everything fuzzy for a moment. Blinking a couple of times to clear his vision, the knight exhaustedly sat up and rubbed his eyes for a second. Feeling his head start to pound, Nick placed his hand on the spot that hurt the most and sighed. This always happened when he had those kinds of nightmares. The past always caught up with him, showing him where he came from. Shaking his head to regain consciousness, the knight glanced around to see that his prince was no longer beside him. Puzzled, the knight looked around the room again and glanced at the bedside table to see a not. Curiously, Nick reached down and gently picked it up to read it.

"I hope you're feeling better today my sweet knight."

Nick couldn't help but grin at the thoughtful kindness. He then flipped over the not to see more writing.

"Don't forget at noon today, dance lessons ;)"

His eyes widen. Dance lessons?! That means... Right, the ball was tonight.

Sighing deeply, the knight placed down the note and casually glanced up at the wooden clock nearby. It was defiantly passed noon. Realizing the time, Nick's eyes shot open wide as he scurried to get dressed and ready. Clumsily, Nick was having a hard time already.

'Damn it, why did I have to agree to this?!' he thought as he was almost done with his chores.

Nick then rushed out the door to try to find the ballroom that the meeting was supposedly going to happen at but there were so many hallways and doors that it confused the knight as he sprinted through the castle. As he slowed down to catch his breath, he noticed a room with double doors and mumbling through them. Taking a deep breath, Nick gradually opened the door just a crack and poked his head through the opening to see if it was the right location.

He saw his prince sitting down elegantly at a table and chairs as he was holding a cup of tea. Apparently, he was talking to a taller figure who was holding some type of instrument. Nervously, Nick swallowed his cowardliness down his throat and took a deep breath as he slid entering the room and quietly walked forward. But with the floors being marble, each step he took echoed, making the two pause their conversation and look up at the embarrassed knight. Jake smirked as he glanced down at his pocket watch.

"You're late sleepy head," he said, watching the knight walk forward.

"I uh... slept in by accident." was the best excuse Nick could give as he rubbed his neck still embarrassed.

Shaking his head amusingly, the prince stood up and gently placed his tea back on the table before walking up to the knight.

"Just don't be late for tonight, okay?" he said, touching his lover's nose.

"I'll try not to..." confessed the knight, turning a bit red.

The prince then held onto Nick's hand and lead him towards the middle of the room. He then faced forward towards him again, gently placing his hands in the correct position as he held his partner as well. Nick could feel his nerves shake but he tried to stay calm as he carefully watched the prince's motions. He suddenly felt his shoulder get pushed down and his arms move closer in as the prince corrected his form. Jake then turned towards the man with the instrument and nodded to allow him to play, which he did gradually.

"Now, all you have to do is move your feet the opposite way from mine," informed Jake, looking down at the ground.

Nick also glanced down, seeing Jake's foot move back. Slowly, he moved his foot forward in the empty space.

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