Chapter 1

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Falling it's almost as good as flying. The way gravity makes my stomach flip is amazing. Falling is one thing but the rush of flying on a dragon back gives me an adrenaline rush that can't compare.

Flying, exploring and taming, the good life. Not a care in the world you know except for the dragon trappers that are still lingering around.

As we cleared the fog bank Makeshift roared happily at the sight of the nearby island. It had a dense forest and a rock formation that looks like it had been shot down.

I hummed curiously "This looks promising, what do you think?" I asked tilting my head towards my red scaled dragon.

'I've seen better (Y/N)' I rolled my eyes at her statement. We've been searching from island to sea stack for a good place to set up a base and I'm hoping this is it.

As we landed she sniffed around the area checking for any other dragons. My black mask remained over my face as I took out my plasma sword which was infused with Skrill lightning. It's not something that's really possible but thanks to the gifts I've earned from dragons it is.

I'm not sure why but I can talk to dragons and if they wish they can give me some of their power. Mine and Makeshifts bond is so strong I'm able to become invisible when I want but only for a short period of time. That's the gift she gave me as a changewing it was either that or giving me acid spit.

'I don't smell anything' Makeshift tilted her head at me I put my sword away and sat on the ground

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'I don't smell anything' Makeshift tilted her head at me I put my sword away and sat on the ground. I built a fire and ate some of the berries in my pack. Makeshift caught herself some fish from a nearby stream and ate them happily.

'It's getting late you should get some sleep' I nodded and cuddled up next to her. I slowly nod off as I looked at the blazing embers.

Morning came quicker than I thought. My back ached from the hard ground. Honestly, I've been used to it but I still wished there was something softer than dirt.

My mind wanders off to an old friend of mine that took care of me in my younger years. Val, she was my only friend that wasn't a dragon. I sigh and stretch my back and pull off my helmet 'Ughh I fell asleep with it on again' I ran my hand through my (H/L)(H/C) hair pulling at some of the tangles in it.

Makeshift was still sound asleep, what a sleepy head. Two dragons gracefully landed in front of me Morpheus my flightmare and Sear my blue-eyed night fury. This is my "Pack" or family in normal Viking terms. We go around and rescue dragons it's amazing.

'(Y/N)!' the flightmare exclaimed he was the youngest in the pack only one-year-old and half the size of a full grown flightmare.

"Hey, bud have you been good with Sear?" I ask him as I look over at my catlike dragon

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"Hey, bud have you been good with Sear?" I ask him as I look over at my catlike dragon.

'He was ok but he still can't beat me in a race' she smirked over at us and lifted her head cockily. I met her when I was thirteen she's my second dragon. I rescued her from one of dragos traps before his men discovered it. Thankfully she wasn't hurt.

"So guys this is our new base," I said happily gesturing at the scenery behind me. 'Uh-uh bad idea, there's another island nearby. Crawling with Vikings that want who knows what' Sear protested.

'But Sear they where all on drag-' Morpheus was cut off by a loud screech. It sounds like a night fury but that's impossible, Grimmel killed all of them...

Makeshift and Morph ran into the trees nearby with Sear following closely by them, she cloaked and shielded them from the incoming Viking. I grabbed my helmet from the ground and put it on and quickly cloaked myself like Makeshift did.

The duo landed swiftly on the ground near my burnt out fire pit. I moved quietly and swiftly sat atop a near boulder.

"Alright bud, Snotlout said he saw the nightfury head this way but knowing him he's just making stuff up" 'Yea most likely' the dragon mumbled. His rider didn't understand him no one could but me.

The man was tall yet muscular his armor revealed muscle hidden under the leather. He also had a mask on like me, by the looks of it he was (shorter/taller) than me. Peace's of auburn hair peaked out of his helmet.

So they're looking for Sear huh. The nightfury nearby had green eyes and was larger making him a male and a perfect mate for Sear. They could save their species!

The man took off the helmet and ran a hand through his wild hair. He had hypnotizing emerald eyes and a bit of stubble on his chin. Hmm, you know what I think I might have found the perfect mate for myself.

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