Chapter 3

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We arrived at a large cottage on a hill of the village. Honestly, it looked wonderful all of the vibrant colors and there were dragons everywhere!

"Mom! Look" Hiccup exclaimed as he lids off toothless. "A nightfury?!" the woman then looked up at me. I took off my helmet.

"(Y/N)?" Val tilted her head at me and came closer. "No its impossible, she..." she looked at Sear and then at Makeshift then back at me. I pulled out my dragon pendant neckless I've had since birth. "I-It is you..." She stuttered. I slid off Sear.

"When I saw the sanctuary all blown up... I just- I thought..." my words were caught in my throat.

"Come inside we can talk there, oh Astrids here by the way" Valka said leading us into the large building.

We sat near the fireplace and talked about the things we did after I left at the age of ten. Apparently, the man that brought me here was her son... I had no idea she had kids.

"You've grown. I remember when you were a little fishbone now look at you your a Viking!" she said happily.

"I guess I did change, all the fighting and running from dragon hunters must have done something," I said scratching my arm shyly. She laughed "Still as shy I see" I smiled and put my hands on my hips. "Am not, it's just a new place with new people. I'm just getting used to this" I gestured around the room to the people around us.

          "So any new gifts?" she asked. I shifted my eyes to Hiccup and Astrid in the corner observing us. She waved it off and gestured me to tell her. "You already know about the changewing and nightfury gifts. This little guy-" I scratched under Morphs chin "Gave me the ability to make things glow. I call it bioluminescence." I say as Astrid looks at me skeptically. Val smiled at me and made a gesture that meant go ahead.

I took the one piece of hair I had that was white, It was a small gift from the biwilderbeast. ( if u have a full head of white hair, the bewilderbeast did it ok) I blew on my hand making it glow a light blue. I ran my hand through the strand and it turned blue. They gasped and stared at it in amazement. "Yea pretty cool huh" Morph nuzzled my side and squeaked happily. He likes being shown off.

"It's amazing. Have you perfected your other gifts?" I nodded and cloaked myself. The couple gasped and Val laughed in delight. "You're incredible!" I Decloaked and stretched. "Could I change somewhere? My armor needs some tweaks." Val nodded and pointed at a room with an open door at the top of the stairs.

The room had desks a bed and a stone bed that I assumed was for a dragon. There where drawings of inventions and dragons on the desk. One of the symbols caught my eye it looked like my necklace, must have been Val drawing all of these then.

I took off my armor and was left in my underwear (these are some examples of armor and casual clothes feel free to change it up but I will be using the ones in this picture)

I took off my armor and was left in my underwear (these are some examples of armor and casual clothes feel free to change it up but I will be using the ones in this picture)

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I changed into a frilly long sleeved dress that had a corset to go with it. I would usually wear it with my cloak but I decided not to. I put on my thigh high boots and the strap around my thigh that carries my dagger. I walked back down the stairs.

I was welcomed by Valka and a basket full of fish "Let's go outside and feed them" I nodded and followed the wise woman outside. I whistled and my wandering dragons appeared in front of me. I tipped the bag and the hungry dragons feast on the fresh fish.

I see a group of people including Astrid and Hiccup standing on the road in front of the house the girl with black hair saw me and waved, I smiled at her and waved back. The rest of the group turned to look at me but before they did I cloaked.

"There was a girl right there I sware" the black haired girl said coming over to us. "Oh yes there was, sorry my friend is unfortunately quite shy." Valka said bumping my invisible hand. "Am not" I grumbled as I walked over behind the girl, she had a cool weapon I kinda wanna.. bad idea ouch! I uncloaked and looked at my now bleeding index finger. The group of people gasped as I appeared in front of me. I got scared so I made myself disappear again. Ok maybe I am a little shy. It's been seven years since I've actually seen these many people. (That aren't hunters)

"(Y/N) its ok" Hiccup said looking around. Sear came and layed in front of me Makeshift loomed behind me and Morph sat next to me. I reappeared in front of them and smiled lightly.

"Guys this is (Y/N) we found her on itchy armpit, she's my mom's old friend." Hiccup introduced. "That's a female nightfury!" The chunky blonde boy exclaimed. I nodded and pet Sears's head.

"Aww little night futures will be running around in no time" The Black haired girl said. I looked at Sears shocked face and smirked. 'Ewwwwwww' Morph yelled. I rolled my eyes and pet the little one's head.

"She just disappeared in front of you and the night hurry is what you care about?!" A blonde girl exclaimed.

"And a titan wing changeling!" the boy twin said. It was true Makeshift was huge compared to a regular changewing and she had cool yellow markings on her.

"(Y/N) this is Fishlegs, Heather, Ruff and Tuff, Snotlought and you already know Astrid." I waved at them a terrible terror came by and gave me a message. 'Dragon trappers in the far north of the island!' Without hesitation, I got on Sear and flew north.

~Hiccup POV~
She looked at the terrible terror mounted her dragon and left. The rest of her pack followed suit.

"Um..Where is she going?" Fish legs asked. I shrugged.

"It looks like somewhere off raven point." I said. I looked over in the direction she was flying. "Let's follow her" Astrid said and took off following (Y/N). The rest of the gang did too. Once we caught up we saw what she intended to do.

We let her go towards the ships full of hunters and watched what she was doing. She extended her hands down towards the water and made it boil, steam rose from the ocean creating a fog bank. She was unnoticed. Then we couldn't see much but eventually, the fog cleared and she was standing on a deck and in front of her was a titan wing monstrous nightmare. He nuzzled her side and flew away.

Her dragons landed next to her she looked unharmed. She turned around and saw us watching I smiled at her. "Go (y/n)!" I yelled. I could see her laugh as she got on Makeshift.

"She just took down a whole armada!" Snotlout exclaimed.

"Not even Astrid could do that!" Ruffnut said as her and her brother laughed. The new rider flew towards us.

"I guess I owe all of you an explanation huh?" she said as she tied back her (h/l) hair into a messy bun.

"Are you a goddess sent from Valhalla?!" Tuffnut asked. She laughed and shook her head.

"Um not quite. I think it would be better if we talked somewhere private where my dragons could rest for a bit" she gestured at her pack and looked over at us.

"The Cove. It's perfect, follow me" I said and lead the way to where it all began.

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