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Annie's POV

I was sitting down eating at Chipotle with my little sister Hayley she is 6, when my phone vibrated I unlocked my phone and saw an unknown number texted me.

Unknown number- Sup Johnny!

Who the hell is this and who the hell is Johnny?! I decided to text back.
(A- Annie)

A- My name's not Johnny, I think you got the wrong number bud!
(Un- Unknown number)

I got an instant reply

Un- Oops sorry dude!
A- It's fine!

I put my phone in my pocket.

A- You ready Haybug?
H$- Yup!!

I helped her open the door and I held her hand and walked across the street to my car an helped her in and buckled her, I went around and got in the driver's seat and drove home.
When we got home my mom was out like always. My dad left 2 years ago and I only see my mom about 3 times a month when she comes to drop off money for me (ME) to take care of Hayley and when she does she is usually drunk.

H$- Sissy will you watch Moana with me?
A- Sure but after that you have to go to bed, you have school in the morning.
H$- Okay

I turned on Moana and about half way through Hayley was alseep. I carried her upstairs to her room and tucked her in her bed. It was 8:30pm. I went to my room and put a pair of silky shorts the went right above the middle of my thigh and a tank top. Then I took off my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun. I shut off my lights and layed in my bed on my phone scrolling through Instagram I was about to shut my phone off and  go to sleep it was 11pm, when I got a text from that unknown number.

Un- Hey

? I'm confused...

A- Uhh Hello?
Un- I'm bored
A- Idek u????
Un- hehe I would tell you but you might be a 70 year old man child molester!!!
A- Ha ya never know...
Un- Now u creepy

Who does this person think they are!!! It's already 11:30pm!! OMG OML OMG!!!! They are calling me!!!! Decline! Wth I'm so f'ing confused!! They are calling again, you know what I wanna find out who this person is! Accept...

Un- Hello
Well it's a male sounds about 15-18 years old.
Un- I know you can hear me
Uh oh he knows I can hear him! Wait I already knew that. But he don't know I'm female or not!!!
Un- This is getting pretty awkward!
Yeah it is but I ain't giving my gender to no molester!
Un- I can already tell your female and a teenager by the way you text and how your scared so I will now tell u a little about me!
What is he a detective?!
Un- Okay fine! Don't want to answer? I'll just tell you about myself!
We'll go ahead...
Un- My name is Hayden, I'm 17, I live in LA California, I have 3 older brothers, 2 dogs
Uh I have to hold in my squeal... I love love loveee doggies!!! It's coming!
Un- *silent*
A- oops
H-*chuckles* yes I have a big one named Bentley and a little one named Brinkley. And you have cute voice..... God that came out wrong sorry
A- *giggles* They have cute names!
H- Thanks and you have a cute giggle.... God Hayden your so annoying!
A- *laughs* Thanks.
H- so your name?
A- Ha u ain't getting that out of me!
H- Age?
A- 16
Omg I just told him my age!!!!😡
H- cool
Yup....... Wait I gotta say that out loud.
A- Yup
I looked at the clock 1:09am!
A- Shit!
H- What?!
A- Oh my god I'm sorry for my language, but I gotta go I have school in the morning!!!
H- Your fine! Okay talk to you later! Bye
A- Bye
He hang up.

Wait what later?!? Y is he gonna talk to me again?!

That's the only thought that was in my head as I fell asleep...

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