how to save a life

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CHAPTER TWENTY TWO: i lost a friend


"UNOS has clocked her into the second, we know this! why must you repeat it every time?"

the woman, doctor, frowns weirdly, almost as if she couldn't properly answer my mother correctly. "it's just what we say to our patients family, we know how hard things are for them in these times of—"

finn, who sits in the corner chair of the room all but growls, his hands are woven into his luscious raven locks, pulling down at the ends stress filled, "quit the bullshit," he mutters and the way his voice breaks next isn't lost on my heart. "she...she lost it didn't she?"

the pinkness of the doctors lips darken slightly as she bites them, and a dreaded drunken feeling once again looms over.

there it goes again.

"i'm sorry...she's just not as sick as the others. you have to understand that organ donations are—"

"i understand that my daughter is dying and this is her last shot to living a full life doctor!" mama snaps harshly and i could only watch as my father gently tries to coax her down, she shakes him off with a glare; but he's angry too. i can see how his eyes shine infuriated at the woman.

at the system.

"and now you come in here and try to tell me to understand that just because she's not dying right now, that she's denied a new liver?! how dare you even try and—"


"no robert!" she bites. "you don't get to say anything still! you left me with her all alone and now you're suddenly back? trying to make all the decisions and over rule all of what must be done to protect our daughter."

papa stands straighter, his eyes gardening and his words feel like a punch to the gut. even if it's not mine.

"oh here we go again. always one to bring up the bloody past! we'll maybe i'm trying to help now but you're still as stubborn and ignorant to even give me a chance!"

i can feel my lip want to quiver; it wants to but i can't. i only find myself licking lightly at my lips in a tired manner.

the doctor stands uncomfortably still, her position stiff as a board by the door as she watches my parents continuously yell. her worried eyes meet mine and i stare blankly back for a moment before giving a shake of my head; some sort of acknowledgement to walk away.

it was the only thing she could do anymore.

she's not even there anymore when mother rants about something of talking to the board and stomps off, my father following as well with heated words.

i breathed softly, a sigh escaping my lips heavily at the same time finn had, and i watched longingly through my lidded gaze at the boy. he looked more like a man now though.

like years of stress and tiredness had finally started to hit him.

but still as beautiful as always. i didn't think that would ever change for him.

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