Chilly Car

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He lay awake holding her close. Thank God she didn't wake up and realize what was going on. If Terezi had woken up she'd probably smirk and bother him about why he was holding her. And of course he would argue that it was when he was sleeping, unconsciously - for warmth. But he knew her too well, she wouldn't fall for that bullshit.

God, he wished they had a heater of some sort. Well, they used to at least. But that was when they had Old Red and had a way to navigate the streets with a car. It reminded Karkat of when she had first stumbled - blindly - into his life.


Thank goddess fuck he was able to find that empty parking lot building thingy. Wait, what were they called? It doesn't matter. Karkat slowly drove his worn cherry car into the building - he didn't want any security guards to catch him here - or he'd be kicked out. They mostly likely didn't want any homeless around here...but it was raining and the nights in Las Vegas were cold as fuck and this here parking lot supplied a way to get away form the constant annoying rain pouring all over his car. He hated the pitter patter of raindrops on his car window. To most people it would lull them to sleep, but not him.

Karkat settled in a parking space in the back and made himself as comfortable as he could. Reaching for the lever on the side of his chair, Karkat laid the seat back. His eyes were anchors weighing down, screaming at him until he closed them.


He heard something whacking against his window. What the hell is that? His mind shot out. Wait...probaly fucking security. Shit. Karkat hesitantly opened his eyes to find it wasn't security at all. But a girl with a...cane? Why was she whacking her cane on his shitty car? What did she want? Wait, why did she have a cane? You, idiot, she's blind! Why else would she have a cane...they could be designated as lethal weapons, right? His thoughts wandered. She really could just assault him as soon as he rolled the window down or some shit like that. The girl whacked again, this time only harder. "Hold on! I hear you; I'm not deaf!" He growled as she stopped. He took out his car key out from his pocket. Unlocking the car he rolled down the widow just a crack. Karkat's hand instantly locked his door, he wasn't going to take any chances. 

"What the fuck do you want?" He glared at the female. "We appear to have a dilemma," she stared at him blankly. From the small light the moon was giving off he could see her hair was a bright reddish orange. He could see the rims of her glasses were a cherry red. (What an odd choice in eyewear.) But he couldn't see her features all too well. "Yeah, we have a dilemma. YOU KEEP WHACKING YOUR SHITTY CANE ON MY CAR!" He hissed. She was left unfazed by his response. Karkat actually heard a chuckle emitt from her. "Well, look who's a grumpy pants!" The girl giggled.  "But no, it's not that. Nice guess though," she said pushing her glasses up her nose. "You're in my spot,"  the female leaned in closer. "What the hell do mean your 'spot?' Last time I checked, this parking building belonged to the mall next door! So unless you're the owner of the mall here to go and kick me out, fuck off." His eyebrows furrowed. He wasn't taking any shit from a (presumably) blind girl. 

Her eyebrows shot up to her forehead. "Wow, how rude!" She giggled. The girl continued to laugh. God, that laugh is annoying. He'd only heard that laugh twice and it's already gotten on his nerves. "I am not the lawful owner of this building, but all have you know I've been occupying this spot for quite some time - much longer than you have. And I don't think it's fair that after all this time I've taken shelter in this here building that you just prance - well, rather drive - in and take it." Her voice suddenly turned stern. The ginger girl crossed her arms. "Shut up, you're acting like there's not another 3 floors in this place!" Karkat growled at her. The girl in front of him remained unfazed, she was almost even amused by his behavior. "And you're acting like there's not any more room in your car!" from what he could see, she had a wide grin plastered on her face. "What are you implying?!" He was pissed. 

"You know..." her grin turned mischievous. The girl began to walk away rather cocky. "I could just go and alert security of your little invasion." The ginger girl continued to walk away. It was only when she took her third step when he yelled out. "Was that a threat?!" That was way louder than it should have been. Karkat quickly silenced himself, he did not want to get caught by security. "No,"  she turned to face him again. "I was just informing you of what I'm possibly about to do. But then again that was a 'possibly.'" She shrugged and she walked back toward the car. If he let her go she'd easily be able to go and tell on him like a tattletale on a kindergarten playground. Or she would just leave. But he didn't trust her, not one bit. There was something about that grin that made him feel uncomfortable. She tapped on the car window. They were face to face with the thin glass as the only barrier between them. "Does this car's heater still work or is it busted like most of the other things about this car - including the person inside?" She smirked. Fuck her and her snarky comments. So that was what she wanted. A warm place to sleep, and just her luck - an idiot just drove in with a car that may have a working heater! 

Karkat looked up at her, his eyes narrowing. "Just get your ass in here and promise you won't tell security!" He grumbled harshly. "Yay!" She cheered as he unlocked the car. 


At the time it had seemed to be one of the worst mistakes of his life, but right now he didn't regret it at all. And just like in the memory his eyes hung down heavily. Karkat yawned and moved to try and get comfortable. He heard Terezi mumble some gibberish and slobbering on his chest. Resting his cheek  on top of the Pyrope's head, Karkat closed his eyes hoping to at least get some sleep.

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