Part 34

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The car ride to the hospital was very emotional. "What did Allison's parents want to talk to you about?" You ask.
"They wanted to prepare me. I have to become your legal guardian, which means I have to take care of you," Danny explains.
"Oh," you say. The car ride is very short, so by the end of the conversation, you were at the hospital.
When you saw your parents, you started crying and sobbing. You kissed each one of them on their cheek and said goodbye. You felt a shiver run through you.
While leaving, you got an anxiety attack. Danny was quick to get you home to calm you down. Hope jumped into your lap and licked your face. You pet her, calming you down. Within a minute, you were calm again.
"It's going to be okay, (Y/n). It's going to be tricky at first, but I'll get us through this," Danny says, rubbing your back.

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