Chapter One // The Beginning

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"But Jess come on! You need to have some fun!"
"Sorry if I don't feel like getting drunk then explaining to my parents why I smell like beer at 3 in the morning" I said rolling my eyes. My best friend Sarah was trying to get me to go to a Kendrick Lamar concert tomorrow night. Whenever we go to concerts I somehow get caught up in explaining to our parents where we are, and the, "we got lost while driving home" excuse doesn't work anymore.
"But Jess! Come on! What if you meet someone?"
"SARAH! You of all people know I'm never going to find someone, and I don't think I would want to at a concert."
"Okay okay fine. Just let me know if you change your mind."
"I will okay? I promise you I'll think about it."
"Okay, let's just head to lunch."
Sarah and I walked to the cafeteria, passing by those same old guys that try and "get some" if you know what I mean. Rolling my eyes, I kept walking while she stopped to talk to some blonde kid. Over the loudspeaker, I hear the principal say, "Excuse me students and teachers, most of our technology systems have failed and won't be fixed till tomorrow morning. Dismissal will be in 15 min and the cafeteria is open for those who need to stay late."
Thank God the day was over! Even better, it's Friday which means I can go home, watch movies, and eat food till 3am.
*calling Mom*
"Hey Mom. I'm coming home because they cancelled the rest of the school day. Something with their technology systems."
"Okay sweetie. I'm actually out getting grocieries so you'll get home before me."
"Okay. See you later Mom. Love you."
"Love you too."
*end call*
*calling Sarah*
"Hey Sar. I'm going to head home. I'll still think about tomorrow."
"Okay babe. I'll talk you later."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too. Bye!"
*end call*
I'm free! Easy by the Commodores is blasting in my headphones as I stroll on the sidewalk. Skipping to the parking lot, I see someone's car that has the cutest prom proposal on the front. A girl comes up and opens the car door.
"Wait stop!"
"Yes? Do I know you?"
"No, but you have something on the top of your car."
I walked to the side so she could come and see.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much, I totally would've missed it!"
"No problem! Have a good day!"
"You too!"
Awww that was sweet. Walking back to my car, I unlock it and hop in. I started the car and drove back to my house, hoping my mom wasn't there so I could sneak some ice cream into my room.

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