World, Meet Change

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Dear World,

To the parasites that are draining the energy and resources out from this polluted and rotten rock known as the Earth, I must say: humanity is a mistake.

From the moment they shoot out from the womb and are launched into a society built upon fabricated beliefs and wish washy judgement, human beings are wired to be flawed. Prone to error. Sculpted to imperfection.

They murder, stir wars, bully, hoard luxuries, relish in corruption, burn, lie, cheat, rape, steal, and some even eat each other.

How revolting is that? Just being confronted with this reality can trigger the gag reflexes.

However, there is one fact that I've come to admire and acknowledge about the world and mankind as a whole: they have the ability to change.

With this potential, growth flourishes in full bloom.

With this potential, humanity can fly, touch the stars, connect through screens from miles apart, explore, teach, cook, dance, sing, play sports, invent, and most importantly . . .


Never underestimate the power of love, for it can kill quick, cripple you with an eternity of hell, or send you through the moon and back.

It is not just romance that I speak of, for romance is only one form of love out of the many forms out there.

Family. Friends. Pets.

They are a part of love's equation too.

World, I am deserving of love because I am human. Although I am not a famous human, although I am not a rich human, although I am not a human that would make an impact on the next generation, I am still human. Because until my expiration date snuffs me out into ashes, I am constantly fluctuating. Expanding my brain. Making different choices day by day. Morphing my opinions on this and that.

Even if the Earth is a polluted and rotten rock, even if everyone that lives in it is a parasite, we are all deserving of love and its many forms because we have the power to transform, to undergo the stages of metamorphosis over and over again, throughout the passage of time. To be cured of ignorance. To embody acceptance toward a vast spectrum of different people, whether it be the LGBT+ community or any other minority.

To embrace change.

For without change, we would always remain as mistakes. And we have so many opportunities to be much more than just that.

Love, @Grinning_Sunflower

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