Chapter I

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Warning : this chapter may contain violence, abuse, and I don't  know what else . Oh and it is short.


I was in my room, on my computer, organizing photographs I have taken, photographs I take where mostly nature's life, when..."Y/N BRING YOUR ASS HERE NOW!!!", frightened by the sudden commotion caused by my father, made me flinch. I quickly dashed down the stairs to meet the source of the sound. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs there was my step- father with a bottle of jack daniels in hand. I shook uncontrollably in fear of what will happen next. He was drunk.

Would I have to suffer again?

Get Blamed again?

Hurt again?

Can I escape this nightmare that repeatedly haunts me?

I was drowning in my own thoughts until I felt a stinging pain on my right cheek in which knocked me down to the floor, shook me out of it. I received a hard slap from my father. Tears threaten to fall. " Y-You are the cause of this misery I have, i-it was your f-fault she died....IT WAS YOUR'S!" he cried. " Your gonna pay for this...", He started heading towards me. I froze in place, terrified by what he would do next, but once he was a few inches away I immediately ran, but it didn't help. He caught my wrist before I had time to escape. I whimpered in pain when he squeeze my wrist as he harshly dragged me to the basement.

Once at the basement, I was brutally pushed onto the cold concrete floor. I scratched my legs in the process. I looked around the basement to see a variety of weapons like guns, knifes, claw whips, metal bars, and chains.
I have never seen these things since my mother died. I was horrified. My step- father pulled my hair ,which was tied up but now all messed up, harshly, I yelped in pain. Tears were already streaming down by cheeks. He took off my  candy apple red colored  hoodie, leaving me in my thin white fabric short sleeve shirt and grabbed a whip. He slammed the whip onto my fragile skin which had bruises from a few days ago. " Do you like the pain? ANSWER ME!!!". He started to slap, kick, and punch me various times. I started to feel lightheaded. The last thing I remember was me falling into a pool of maroon colored blood, that surrounded my body.


Was it good? I tried my best. This book may take some time so.....bye
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