Setting Suns

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The Hunter and the Siren: Chapter 5:

(I want to thank shadowoftheblackdeat, Dark Alana, RetedRGirl83, wolviegurl, Emxy2k11, Electra2255, WheresMyBones and Guest! Thank you all and here is the Fifth chapter! Sorry for the long wait. Sorry for the long wait and I apologize for any OOCness)

Anna awoke to someone shaking her awake, when her eyes opened she noticed her father standing next to her.

"Come Anna, we have to head back to the crash. I fear night will be upon us soon," Imam stated worriedly.

Anna nodded her head in understanding before raising herself in a sitting position she winces slightly in pain. She then stood up and began to follow Imam out of the craft and toward the sand cat. Anna then walked over to where Shazza was starting up the sand cat and sat behind her wincing in pain.

"Where's Riddick?" Jack asked worriedly.

"Leave him! He wouldn't wait for us," Paris stated with a snobbish tone.

It was then that Riddick jumped into sand cat right next to Paris causing him to stand straight up in fright. Anna couldn't help, but giggle quietly when she saw the fright in Paris's eyes.

"I thought we lost," Paris said hoping that what he had said before would be forgotten.

Anna noticed that Riddick was looking at her slightly Anna could make out a small smirk that appeared on his face.

"Johns!" Shazza called out for the blonde man.

Once Johns got onto the sand cat they began to head toward the crash site however Shazza accidently hit some bones causing them to crack and break. The rubble from the skeleton began to fall on them, but Anna whimpered loudly in pain when a medium chunk of bone hit her back causing her wounds to burn with irritation. Riddick heard this before using his body to shield Anna from any more rubble. Anna looked up at Riddick with painful gratitude before she noticed that Riddick's attention had shifted to something on her shoulder.

Anna looked over at much to her surprise she could see Ares perched on her shoulder not being affected by the sun. Anna looked at Riddick with confusion before realizing that they had pulled into the crash site. Anna watched as everyone got off before slowly making her way of the sand cat herself wincing as she moved, but before she got off Riddick appeared in front of her.

"Stay here. Your wounds aren't gonna get better if you keep moving around, Little Siren." Riddick stated before he followed Fry and Johns inside the ship.

Anna let out a dejected sigh before letting her feet dangle off the sand cat; it was then that she looked at Shazza who was asking where Paris was going. Anna noticed that it was getting darker and looked toward the sun her eyes widened as noticed a planet rising. Anna got off the sand cat walking over to Jack and watched in awe.

"Come on we have to go help them," Jack said before taking Anna's hand and began to lead her back to the sand cat.

Ali, Anna and Jack were near the glass ball where the sun would enter to power the sand cat and began to wipe it hoping whatever was left of the sun would continue to power it. Soon everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as the planet began to completely block off the sun, soon they began to hear noises coming from the funnel structures. Anna noticed that Ares had begun to screech loudly before flying into the sky. She began to worry it was then that she noticed the things that began to filter out of the top of the funnels.

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