In the Classroom and the Canteen

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Jin wished that you guys were classmate
Any you guys were.

Jin: *gasp*

You: Whaaaatt??!?!(Oh nooo what if he ckecks my paper and i get all wrong!!)

Jin: *thinking the same as you*

You: Ummm...Hi Jin *ur stating to get nervous*

Jin: uuhhh.....Hey... *gets nervous too*

You: Lol....

Teacher: Ok class if you do not want me to be angry SHUT UP!

Class: Ok miss!

You and Jin аге passing notes while the teacher is finding some lessons for today

Jin: Stop passing Miss might cuaght us...

You: umm k

Jin: *smiles at you*

You: *blushes*

Suga: Hi

You: Hellooo!

Teacher: Shhhhh!!!!

Suga:What yo name?

You: uhhhmm..... Y/n

Suga: Nice name!!

You: ehhh...

Class started being noisy

Teacher: SHHHHH!!!!!


You: Whats ur name?

Suga: My name is Suga

You: Nice name you have!

V: Lol

Jin: U wanna go to the canteen after this subject?

You: Me??Sure *smiles*

Suga,V,kookie,JM:CAN I GO WITH U GUYS??

Jin: Uhhmmm Sure???

You: Lol

Suga: Wait i dont need to go with you guys ill be going will someone else XD

You: Who is it??

Suga: ...... I MEAN NO ONE 😂😂K fine he my bestie... Jhopeee!!

You: LOL! I thought it would be a girl😂😂

Suga: The Fu...

The bell rings which means its lunch

Jin: lez Gooo!!!


You guys are buying right and Jin saw something

Jin: Wahhhh!!

You: Huh??

JK: What u looking at??



Jin: Nooo!!Its something elsee..

You: Is it me??? JUST KIDDIN'

V: Ohhh...Yah Y/n

Jin: Nope. Sorry.....Its a painting

You: Of me?!?!?

Jin: Ahhh YAHS😂😂😂

JM: Aren't we gana buy??

V: Ill buy for u guys!!

All: ty!!

All of them tells V  what they want to eat
And gave the money to V

All: K we will wait here at this table ok V???

V: Yah!I will get lost too!! asdkdjssoda ;-;

JM: lol

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