Chap. 2 | Night hangout!

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"Oh, why weren't you opening the door babe?"
"Oh my gosh"
"And what have you made out of yourself?? I mean.......look at your eyes"
"And the hair are no less than a nest of a bird!...... What have you done??", asked curious Joel wearing jet black suit.

"Wait baby, wait. Cool down! Let me get you an answer for one question at a time!"

I elaborated him every shocking thing(for him) one after another! His questions weren't stopping, but my unpleasant expressions kinda gave him the sense of irritation! After this freaking waste of time, we, at last, set to have a hangout.

So sexy a hangout!

At stepping out of my house, my vision was caught by a brand new, royal blue car! OMG OMG OMG!

Sitting in such a car gave me no less than a feeling of Princess! Such a beautiful start of the night!

"Did I make you the happiest my dearest? Bought this just for YOU, YOU & YOU!", Joel interrupted while I was casting an eye over the car.

"Of course, you did! I'll literally cry! I am in love with it! Everyday you do something that increase my love for you, and nevertheless, inspires me! I love you so much honey!"

While he was driving, we had some chit chat!

He took me to a delightful restaurant! There we had some juices.

Nearby was a garden named Valentine's Garden! We were being as romantic as to cross all the limits!

We soon had a couple dance! Joel went on the stage that only used to be set up on Saturday night as to make the environment more romantic! Upon going there, I requested him to sing whatever he wished!

Then, in front of all, he took out of his pocket, a royal blue, velvet coated box! He took the incredible diamond ring out from the box! I felt a bit of SHYNESS or may be very much!

My mom wasn't allowing me to marry these days since we had our 2 very close souls lost. So that time period of marrying was unlucky & could have resulted in unsuccessful and unpleasing life span with my soul mate.

This reason was really logical. This may be the reason that I kept my mouth shut and didn't argue much.

As soon as he was to propose me, I had a thought that crossed my mind! That was to simply say him a NO taking my circumstances into consideration.

As soon as he proposed, I focused on an uninvited thought that if I would say him a no, his heart would break & it would hurt his feelings. I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS. At last, I decided as to accept his proposal, and afterwards speak to him in detail & discuss the problem!

While we were enjoying the music in our vehicle, I uttered a sentence, "We can't marry these days."

"What are you serious?"
"Literally? My girlfriend who used to die upon me, simply saying this with so much easiness? Disgusting"

I spoke to him the cause & this mature & understanding soul somehow realised my issue.

I felt tears falling from my eyes on which I didn't give Joelito a chance to have a view. But I saw him crying to which I spoke to him: "It's just the matter of some days, and then we're gonna marry, don't worry"
"If you want the ring back, you can have, never mind"
"Are you going mad ? I trust you baby", whispered Joel almost done with wiping all of his tears.

We were almost done! Now there came a call of my mom who wasn't notified with this night out.

Joel dropped me to my house kissing me on forehead & then it came my turn. I apologized to him, & left him with a heavy heart!

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