Chapter 3: Never forget...

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Dippers POV

Flashback 10 years

I look up at my mom with a smile I was only 5 years old. She puts me to sleep and reads me a bedtime story when a crash can be heard from downstairs people were breaking in! My mom grabbed her fathers Journal and summoned Bill and all powerful dream demon

"What do you want" Bill angrily said

"I want to make a deal my life for you to save my son's..." Bella said (Bella is Dippers Mom)

Ok it's a DEAL!" Bill shouted

My mom faded away and before Bill protected me I was shot but 2 days later I woke up in a forest my teeth turned into fangs and I became a Vampire

Flashback Over

Dipper was on the brink of tears when Paz hugged him "hey it's alright..."she whispered to me

I barely managed a smile before breaking into tears I lost my whole family that night and I was all alone for the past 10 no friends no family just me...

"Why don't you come home with us? We have plenty of space and I'm sure our parents would be good with it

I nod blushing slightly and I get a hoodie that covers my whole upper body and I walk back to their home with them...

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