Chapter 16 | Ashes Ashes

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Dirt spewed up from the circular driveway to Tom and Vi's mansion. Lights flared up like volcanoes spewing lava. The doctor talked with a man dressed in formal garb about the whole incident, as the doctor put it. Police searched every nook and cranny of the house, trying desperately to find the newlyweds, and bring them back for questioning.

Colin was now awake, and he and Eli just stood there, looking at each other. The same though coursed through their minds like blood through veins. This event had changed their lives forever. Together they would try to change things. George and Colin would move, and they had already agreed to adopt Eli, but happy endings only exist in the story books, and as much as the two boys were looking forward to being brothers, they also were scared that one day, one night, one afternoon, one person, one plant, one act of mass destruction, would come creeping upon them like a wolf on an elk. And one day, it would let loose, and shoot, and they would fall dead.

Nothing could comfort their minds, and they could only think of a small little rhyme that brought them more discomfort each time it repeated in their heads.

Ring around the rosy

Pocket full of posies

Ashes, Ashes

We all fall down.

And indeed, there were ashes, as people fell down...


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