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Ash P.O.V.

"You really thought I loved you? You're really stupid, you know that. I was never with you. I only wanted you for sex." 

The words swam through my mind as I ran away from the school and the laughing crowds. I should have known that it was too good to be true. I used to think that we'd always be close. I never actually thought that my brother would be the one to hurt me the most. I can't remember what I did that made him hate me, I wish we could be like we used to. 


"Mom. Dad. Chase. There's something I need to tell you." I said softly as we sat at the dinner table like we always did. "What's up kiddo." Mom smiled gently at me. "I...I'm gay." The table was silent for a few moments before all hell broke out. "My father screamed himself hoarse, while mom just cried. As tears filled my eyes, I glanced over at Chase but he wouldn't look at me. "Chase...." "Don't speak to me, Devil." He glared hatefully at me "You're not my brother. You're a freak!" I raced up to my room crying. 

From that day onwards, everything changed. I was given my own apartment as soon as I was old enough and told never to contact them again. 


That was three years ago. Now, I'm running from the bullies that torment me everyday. I ran through the crowds until I collided with someone and ended up sprawled on my back.

? P.O.V.

I was walking out of the coffee shop when someone ran into me, making me spill coffee all over my suit. I glared down at the kid who just looked terrified. Giving a growl, I took in the messy hair and bruises that decorated his arms and face. I glared at him once more before walking away. 

As soon as I was clear of the crowds, I slipped into an alleyway and quickly phoned my boss. "What!" The gruff voice responded, "I've found the perfect one, sir." "Are you certain?" "Yes. He's either a runaway/homeless or bullied/abused. He has no one to take care of him and no one to miss him." "Excellent. Bring him to me immediately." "Yes Sir." I left the alley and made my way back to where I knew the boy would be.

Ash P.O.V.

It was late at night and I was digging through the dumpster behind the bakery since my parents didn't give me money for food until next week, when I heard a noise. Moving into the light form the mouth of the alley, I was suddenly grabbed from behind. A thick smelly cloth was pressed against my mouth and nose and a thick arm was rapped tightly around me. I struggled against the man, but it was no use. I ended up breathing in the chemicals and darkness swamped my vision.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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